Do you see it as a dramatic sequence between two lovers extended over time, or is it a celebration Song depicting only events occurring around the wedding night?

Discussion Assignment Instructions If you approach the Song in any fashion outside of a primarily “allegorical” approach, what specific approach do you take to the dramatic sequencing and characterization of the Song? Do you see it as a dramatic sequence between two lovers extended over time, or is it a celebration Song depicting only events […]

Discuss several of the major symbols in the story and explain how they connect to the story’s meaning.

Symbolisms in "The Young Goodman Brown" “Young Goodman Brown” 1. Discuss symbolism in the story. “Young Goodman Brown” is very symbolic story, to the point that it’s often described as allegorical. Discuss several of the major symbols in the story and explain how they connect to the story’s meaning. STORY BELOW goodman One citation […]