Did you have any mentors or guides who aided the process?

DQ 1 Consider some of your primary interests (hobbies, favorite media, preferable activities). How did you develop an interest in these things? What experiences helped you develop an interest? Did you have any mentors or guides who aided the process? What would you do to introduce someone to similar interest? DQ 2 People often neglect […]

How can a company focus on the needs of its stakeholders without neglecting its shareholder obligations?

Choose 1 of the following questions and answer it completely and thoroughly for your thread: • Discuss why a manager should, or should not, be considered a stakeholder. • Describe a public issue and how it has evolved through the public issues life cycle. • What is competitive intelligence? Why is it important to the […]

How can one of these explain why you are having trouble persuading them? How can you try to fix that-counter it, based on what you know from your readings?

WEEK SIX DISCUSSION 1 PROMPT: Part 1: Altruism and Various Perspectives (due by midnight on Thursday) Think about a time when you or someone you knew exhibited altruism. Share the example and explain why the behavior was altruistic. Additionally, consider that your readings about altruism, selfishness, etc. from different perspectives. Which perspective seemed the most […]

Certainty, or Error-Reduction?Discuss Plato and Descartes on certainty; discuss Socrates and Popper on error-reduction. How is this issue related to the distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions?

Midterm Essay Questions Philosophy 1: Introduction to Philosophy Winter 2021 From the following 3 essay topics, choose 2 and write essays in response. Please do not write more than 2 nor less than 2. (This format is exactly the same as the midterm.) You should be able to write a good essay using nothing more […]

Discuss Is effective altruism obtainable based on ethics rather than motives?

Overall issue is about giving by the wealthy Singer—preconceived notion of human behavior (all wealthy people are altruistic) Callahan—preconceived notion of human behavior (all wealthy people are prone to stay wealthy) C/D) Is human ethical behavior based on economic status? E) It seems to be based on economic status. A) Overall issue concerns the relationship […]

Which of the three value bases for environmental concerns (self-interest, humanist altruism, or biospheric altruism) would you consider yourself and why?

Using the ideas and definitions presented in your CH1 Reading “The Lorax complex” which of the three value bases for environmental concerns (self-interest, humanist altruism, or biospheric altruism) would you consider yourself and why? Your page should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman format, Font sized 12, 1 inch margins on all four sides, […]

Define altruism. How does altruism support the Dimensions of Wellness and impact stress for the recipient and the person conferring the act? Incorporate the material from the textbook.

1. Define altruism. How does altruism support the Dimensions of Wellness and impact stress for the recipient and the person conferring the act? Incorporate the material from the textbook    

What acts of altruism do you see in this video? What group is working to prevent soldier suicide? What impact did you observe altruism has on depression and/or PTSD?

1.Background: What is soldier suicide, what is it associated with, what are the statistics in this country? How many soldiers die each year by their own hands according to the VA? Who is Clay Hunt? What was Clay Hunt diagnosed with? What was his struggle going back to Loyola Marymount University (LMU)? How old was […]