why did it take so long for women to achieve this goal?

Week Two Discussion QUESTION 5. The early decades of the 20th century saw the final push to pass an amendment giving women the right to vote. That dream finally became a reality–after 75 years of campaign and agitating!–in 1920 with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. This weeks readings, online exhibits and lectures offer much […]

Discuss the due process clause and the incorporation doctrine.

Assignment 1: The Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court In this essay you will explain how the structure of the federal system affects the application of the Bill of Rights, describing how the Supreme Court has used the Fourteenth Amendment to expand coverage of the Bill of Rights throughout the federal system. Discuss the […]

Write an essay of no fewer than 800 words about your opinion on the importance and efficacy of the 7th Amendment and how it affects your life.

Write an essay of no fewer than 800 words about your opinion on the importance and efficacy of the 7th Amendment and how it affects your life. Consideration for the entirety of the Amendment (rather than the well-known nutshell explanation of the right to trial by jury) is encouraged.

Could the Freedom of speech create a less agreeable situation for someone else? Why or Why not?

525 3 Discussion Protection of individuals from the government is spelled out in the Bill of Rights. Use the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms and share thoughts on whether or not the individual protection of this Amendment could infringe on another’s rights. For example, could the Freedom of speech create a less […]

Does the article bring up any good points you haven’t thought of-Does it make you rethink how we use this technology?

Forum 4/5 The article discusses 4th amendment concerns regarding the use of DNA collection and monitoring, “23POLICEMENANDME: ANALYZING THE CONSTITUTIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF POLICE USE OF COMMERCIAL DNA DATABASES”. Does the article bring up any good points you haven’t thought of? Does it make you rethink how we use this technology? Should it still be used […]

What stakeholders need to sign these documents-Why are addenda and amendments important for IEPs?

Topic 13 DQ1 Student Response SPD 590 When can an addendum and an amendment be written to supplement the student’s IEP? Provide an example for each. In addition, what stakeholders need to sign these documents? Why are addenda and amendments important for IEPs?

Write an essay of 1,250-1,500 words in which you delineate and analyze the various applications of specific provisions of the Bill of Rights to criminal procedure, of the clause you selected above.

8th amendment The total of words needs to be between 1000-1500. Already have a total of 400 words so you would just need to add about 700 or 600. You would just need to follow the directions below & make sure it sounds good and fits all the criterias. thank you so much Excessive Bail […]

Does the death penalty violate the cruel-unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment?

Death penalty in the United States. State whether you support or are against the death penalty and why. Does the death penalty violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment? Is it legal to execute someone who has intellectual disabilities? Is it legal to execute someone who is mentally ill? Be sure […]

What is the mission of this organization-What kinds of issues are they most concerned about?

Internet Activity 2 In this assignment, you will investigate information concerning civil liberties and rights by looking at current issues involving the rights of individuals as presented by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Institute for Justice. Do NOT cut and paste your answers from these websites. Summarize and respond in your own words. […]