Did this Tax Act improve or widen the income inequality gap in America?

Was the TCJA of 2017 successful? The assignment is to use the two documents attached as data points in answering the following: 1-Was the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 successful in terms of economic benefits to the American people? 2-Did this Tax Act improve or widen the income inequality gap in America? 3-How […]

What do you think was the main reason for the beginning of the movement?

Why did American Civil Rights movement begin ? In this question you need to present evidence outlining the situation that existed in America before the Civil Rights movement began. • You will need to examine attitudes amongst those in the white establishment and whether change was likely without a concerted campaign. • You should look […]

How did European political and religious traditions, born out of the Protestant Reformation, influence ideas about sexuality and sexual relations in the North American colonies?

History of sex in early America Discussion Questions: Use the following questions below to analyze the main ideas and themes expressed in the reading. You are not required to answer all of these questions in your response, instead you should use them as a guide to construct your analysis. The reading can be found in […]

Do you see as having the most significant impact on a liberal arts education today and why?

Higher Education in America  The Middle Years From this week’s reading, Part 3- American Higher Education: Maturation and Development, what section (i.e., Academic Freedom, Two-Year Colleges, Academic Witch Hunt, Curriculum Inclusion, etc.) do you see as having the most significant impact on a liberal arts education today and why? You will create a minimum of […]

Should English language classes in the Bahamas focus more on Bahamian dialect in addition to teaching standard English?

Issues related to Bahamian Creole-English: should English language classes in the bahamas focus more on Bahamian dialect in addition to teaching standard English Video Documentary – “talking black in America: Roots” Article Chanti Seymour’s short essay: Bahamian creole English: whole not broken Write an Academic argumentative essay on issues related to Bahamian creole-English Approaches to […]

Why was this outcome important to you, others, and/or the organization you were a part of?

Teach for America interview Your response to the following short-answer questions should be about 300 words each Question 1 Teach For America works toward the day when every child will receive an excellent and equitable education. The circumstances children are born into predict the opportunities they will have in life. But Teach For America has […]

Describe how the issues of this case have factored into electoral politics campaigns and elections.

Kennedy v. Bremerton School District For this paper you will be select a recently decided Supreme Court case relevant to major questions in America politics from the list of cases provided below. The goal of the paper is twofold. First, the cases present a chance to study important real-world issues in American politics beyond our […]

What then does this say about the enormous power that the concept of race has been given in America?

Week 1 Discussion In what ways is race an imaginary concept? Why, in a very real sense, are none of us a member of any single race due to human intermingling over the millenia? And what then does this say about the enormous power that the concept of race has been given in America? Watch […]