What is one representative or provocative or memorable quotes from the article, and why did you choose it? (Transcribe carefully and include the page number).

It is the only source you need to use.Class is Black Women in America For this week’s discussion, want you to work to read each article/chapter on its own terms. You must post your response before reading other students’ responses. For your discussion board post, write a response that addresses the following questions: Which article […]

Does being dedicated to a religion influence the probability to identify with certain parties?

Your research paper should be about 10 pages (cover page and bibliography excluded), Turabian/Chicago format. For this assignment, save your paper as a document and attach. The title page and bibliography or reference pages do not count in the page total. You must have a specific research question and address both sides of the question […]

Why is the issue important? How extensive a problem is the topic? How much is this topic on the minds of people in America and the health services industry? What are some related issues in your topic?

Topic – covid vaccine laws regarding minors in the state of Illinois Describe your research topic and what the issue is. Why is the issue important? How extensive a problem is the topic? How much is this topic on the minds of people in America and the health services industry? What are some related issues […]

What affect do unions in America have on the economy and middle class citizens in society.

What affect do unions in America have on the economy and middle class citizens in society. Research will explore the pros and cons that unions have on the economy in the United States, comparisons to societies with unions in other places, and the effect that unions have for the citizens themselves. This is an English […]

Why have third parties never really taken off in America-Would you like to see a third party alternative to the Democrats-Republicans?

Discussion 9 Why have third parties never really taken off in America? Would you like to see a third party alternative to the Democrats and Republicans? If yes, what would you look for in such a party? Do you think the Democrats and Republicans will ever face a viable third party challenge? Note to writer. […]

What extent does it shape your personal identity-Are Africana women ‘s personal identities shaped by national, ethnic-racial heritage more than others in America-If so, why? If not, why?

Think about your own national, ethnic, or racial heritage. To what extent does it shape your personal identity? Are Africana women ‘s personal identities shaped by national, ethnic, or racial heritage more than others in America? If so, why? If not, why?

What big ideas-big technological changes do you see in the years ahead-Is change something we manage well-What happens when we resist change?

Social Change Chapter 20 deals with the issue of social change. Sociologists tell us that social change is created by a) new technologies and or b) new or shifting ideas or beliefs. Maybe it’s both, but we have to understand it is generally one or the other that leads the way. For example – from […]

What insights does sociology have to offer about what is happening in America relative to these issues-Can sociology make us healthier?

Health and Wellness While the United States is a wealthy nation and spends vast resources on healthcare services, Americans overall are not so healthy and in fact, our life expectancy is decreasing. Chapter 18 in the text discusses Health, Healthcare and Disability. While the covid crisis has created a health crisis, we have to understand […]

What are the core beliefs of elite theory that represent the larger consensus of American culture?

Elite Theory Read the elite theory essay. Respond to the following points: How would you summarize the key ideas of elite theory? What are the core beliefs of elite theory that represent the larger consensus of American culture? How do elite theorists view the election system in America? Do elites encourage widescale public discussion? What […]

What experiences do you hope to have that will enlarge your understanding of the cultural richness of America-the world?

UB Honors scholars are characterized by intellectual curiosity, a broad range of interests, and a commitment to a diverse and inclusive society. What experiences have helped to broaden your perspectives academically, socially and culturally? What experiences do you hope to have that will enlarge your understanding of the cultural richness of America and the world?Be […]