Discuss the origins of sectional conflict and its evolution into sectional crisis.

From the founding of the republic, conflict between the North and the South shaped America. Discuss the origins of sectional conflict and its evolution into sectional crisis. In answering this question, you should 1) discuss the major events affecting North-South relations from the eighteenth century to the outbreak of the Civil War; 2) examine how […]

Do you recognize any of them in your life or in the lives of those you know?

HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES: AMERICA’S URBAN SCHOOLS Question 1 In chapter 5, Wilkerson explains how Miss Vale had diffuculty fitting into the container that had been made for her as a black woman. What containers do people have for you that you long to break out of? Question 2 Wilkerson takes a look at the […]

What are some things parents can do to combat the effect of poverty on infant development?

CP DB2 Research shows that the effects of poverty can impact the growth of the brain in infants. With over half of America’s infants classified as living in or near poverty, we have a responsibility to be aware of and make a change for these issues. Read the Caring Connections section on page 133 and […]

What else did you find important, challenging, interesting, or surprising in the resources regarding the concept of scientific thinking?

1. What is science? Support your answer with evidence from the learning resources. 2. Describe your experience with science. You might think of your experiences as a student, working in a school, as a parent, or in your daily life. 3. What does it mean to be “science literate”? Explain why this is important or […]

Describe both the state and federal court system and explain the benefits of having a dual court system in America?

Discussion 4 The United States of America has a dual-court system, meaning it is comprised of two courts of different jurisdiction: state court systems and the federal court system. Describe both the state and federal court system and explain the benefits of having a dual court system in America?

Explain in detail on one area of Social Emotional Learning and why students with LD may experience difficulty in that area.

Assignment  6: Read: Practical Social-Emotional Learning Tools for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in the United States of America http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= to an external site. After reading the article,choose from one of the following areas under Social Emotional Learning as described in the article: Emotional Knowledge Emotional Expression Empathy Social Problem Solving Using the article, references […]

What do you you think are the most important areas where the government might make changes for the better, based upon what you have seen in this second film?

Fighting Poverty in the Poorest Place in America 1.  Did anything in the first video shock or surprise you in terms of poverty in America?  Did you know that the very poorest Americans live on Indian Reservations? Although this first short video can be heart wrenching and depressing, did you find anything positive in the […]