Which inventions most contributed to the so-called revolution in transportation and communications?

Write a paper of 750 to 1100 words (3 to 4 typed, double-spaced pages) in which you identify and discuss the changes wrought by the transportation and communications revolution in antebellum America. Identify some of the major technology inventions of the industrial revolution. Which inventions most contributed to the so-called revolution in transportation and communications? […]

What is your reaction to Whitman’s invention and use of “free verse” poetry?

Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” Choose two of the following prompts and write discussion responses of at least 150 words each (for a total of 300+ words). Your discussion may include quotes for support, illustration, and development. What are some important themes or messages in “Song of Myself”? (hint: greatness and bigness of America; freedom […]

Complete a pre-writing activity from section 2.1 in In Conversation to help you generate a topic focus and topic statement for how authors Mukherjee and Tan describe the immigrant-in-America experience.

D4 Complete a pre-writing activity from section 2.1 in In Conversation to help you generate a topic focus and topic statement for how authors Mukherjee and Tan describe the immigrant-in-America experience.

What kinds of occupations are found in public administration?

Write a 3–4 page paper in which you answer the following: What is public administration? Why is it important? Provide an overview of its purpose and function in America. Title this section Public Administration. Compare and contrast public administration and business administration. Provide two specific examples of how the fields are different and two examples […]

What changed or stayed the same in America because of the revolution?

Why was the revolution important What started the revolution Who was the main leader of the revolution and how did he affect the revolution Perspective of loyalist and patriots Include relevant economic, social, intellectual, religious, cultural, and political conditions of the place and time How your topic developed over time. What occurred as a result […]

Given the current trade war between China and America, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the consequent food and energy crises, the prevalence of global risk

The future of international business “Given the current trade war between China and America, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the consequent food and energy crises, the prevalence of global risk, and the increasing digitization of business, the scale of international business will dramatically decline”. Critically discuss this statement.

What can police agencies do to improve the trust between diverse members of the community?

Special Problems and Challenges, and the Future of Policing in America Write a 6–7 page paper in which you answer the following questions: Identify the best practices being used by law enforcement agencies to ensure that officers are trained in all aspects of understanding and manipulating technology and technological devices in their attempts to keep […]

Why do you think it is necessary for real estate agents to be experts in so many aspects of marketing and business? 

FIRST DISCUSSION : Start a new thread and respond to one of the following prompts. How has the use of digital marketing transformed the marketing landscape? How do you think digital marketing will continue to evolve? SECOND DISCUSSION : An innovative PR campaign from Michelin North America called “Teens Prove Their Street Tread” won the […]

Discuss what you agree or disagree with what the visitor from outer space pointed as the problem(s) in America.

CREATIVE RESPONSE TO THE POEM: For this assignment, you are the year 2022 visitor from another planet to earth to study Americans. separately. Answer 1, 2. 3. below. 1) Begin by mentioning something from Hayden’s poem “American Journal” that still captures something about America today. 2) After that opening, focus mainly on what you would […]

Do you agree with the stance that American education system is lagging behind other countries in India and China-Why?

Discussion 1 and 2 DISCUSSION 2 (ANSWER THE QUESTIONS SEPARATELY) 1) The film “2 million minutes” compares the lives of high school students in US, India, and China. Using specific examples from the film discuss the ways in which students perceive and approach education and schooling? Describe key similarities and differences between these country’s education […]