Do you agree that educators have to keep abreast of the technological changes and adjust the curriculum accordingly? (justify and support your answer).

The Digital Divide – Week 6 More than just a tool for information transfer, the Internet has become a conduit for a globalized workforce. However, as the Internet has become integrated into daily business life, a digital divide has emerged. Some derive the benefits of Internet access, but many others do not. Declining Majority of […]

Defend your position. If you want to blend some traits of each model and create the ultimate solution.

Topic: Introduction to healthcare systems In your lecture slides, you will see that America has many more Non-Profit Community Hospitals than Investor Owned/For-Profit Hospitals. Prepare a 1-page description of why this is or why this isn’t a good thing. Defend your position. If you want to blend some traits of each model and create the […]

Discuss to what extent you believe things to be better or worse in the present day for businesses in general.

THE HISTORY OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND STAKEHOLDER THEORY IN AMERICA Terris, Daniel. (2005) Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation. Brandeis University Press. Waltham, MA. Retrieved from ProQuest ebrary. Pages 1-48 Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to […]

Describe some ways in which the US could adapt changes to its healthcare system based on other systems to reduce health disparities.

Discussion Forum Discussion Instructions: Watch the PBS video comparing the US healthcare system to other systems worldwide. Describe some ways in which the US could adapt changes to its healthcare system based on other systems to reduce health disparities. Cite at least 3 sources. PBS News Video Health care: America vs. the World – YouTube […]

Write one Paragraph about Religion, National Origin, and Age Discrimination

Discussion Post 1, Religion at Work – Accommodate or Conflict?answer the following question in two Paragraph of about 6 to 7 sentences each. Employee sues his employer, saying that he is being sexually harassed by gay males, who only harass young male employees. Does he have a cause of action? [Wrightson v. Pizza Hut of […]

Why are there so few African Americans in executive positions in America? and why should there be more African American’s in positions of power in business?

Writing Sample Paper Topic: Why are there so few African Americans in executive positions in America? and why should there be more African American’s in positions of power in business? Instructions:You’ll want to submit a piece of writing that demonstrates your ability to analyze a topic in the same field to which you are applying. […]

What is the influence of the conservative societies on the way translators translate swear words especially Islam.

Translating English Swear Words in Scorseses’s Film Casino. How translators translate English Swear words in Casino (1995),  mean the strategies that applied according to According to Gottlieb (1992: 166), the subtitling strategies are expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation, decimation, deletion, and resignation. And what are the types of swear words that appear on […]

What is the influence of the conservative societies on the way translators translate swear words especially Islam.

Translating English Swear Words in Scorseses’s Film Casino. How translators translate English Swear words in Casino (1995),mean the strategies that applied according to According to Gottlieb (1992: 166), the subtitling strategies are expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation, decimation, deletion, and resignation. And what are the types of swear words that appear on the […]

Is Democracy for sale in America-In what way has the American Presidency become a tool for corporate influence and subsequent manipulation of public policy for special interests -the power elite.

Question for analysis, from the We The People text: Is Democracy for sale in America? In what way has the American Presidency become a tool for corporate influence and subsequent manipulation of public policy for special interests -the power elite.

Did Watkins owe an ethical duty to Enron, to its shareholders, or to the investing public to go public with her suspicions?-Explain your answer.

Cases from the Real World Read: Cases from the Real World, page 222. (Access free at Sherron Watkins and Enron Enron is one of the most infamous examples of corporate fraud in U.S. history. The scandal that destroyed the company resulted in approximately $60 billion in lost shareholder value. Sherron Watkins, an officer of […]