Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

Use this period of eloquence and reason of radical thinkers and the founding fathers of our nation. The readings give insight into the philosophical conversations and rhetorical reasoning that led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and our nation’s Constitution. The origins in early political parties such as the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. As […]

What ways does America and the free enterprise system provide opportunities for everyone to succeed

For conservation law enforcement submit a 300 to 500 word essay discussing 1) your personal career goals, 2) how completion of your chosen course of study at Ogeechee Technical College will help you achieve your goals, and most importantly, 3) in what ways does America and the free enterprise system provide opportunities for everyone to […]

Discuss your thoughts this week on racism and prejudice in modern America.

Discussion 8 Watch this frontline special on racism and discrimination. Frontline Documentary Then watch this talk by Zimbardo on the psychology of heroism. Zimbardo Video Discuss your thoughts this week on racism and prejudice in modern America. Using concepts presented in the text and in the class, provide examples of racism and prejudice […]

Do you think that quality would be adversely impacted if the growth in medical technology were to be constrained in the United States for one year?

Unit 6 Discussion (Prompt 2) We have learned that new technology is the number one reason for escalating health care costs in America. Do you think that quality would be adversely impacted if the growth in medical technology were to be constrained in the United States for one year? If these costs could be reduced, […]

Explain how Senator Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations within the speech-What specific threats did these nations pose?

Week 7 Assignment: Case Study- History Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 28, 29, 30 Lesson Minimum of 1 primary source Minimum of 4 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook) Optional Resources to Explore Feel free to review the library guide for scholarly sources and videos at the following […]

Do we need to incorporate into our systems of corrections-What do we do about corrections in America today-Discuss in detail. Support your opinion.

Corrections in America This module is extremely content heavy but still only brushes the surface of the many issues facing modern corrections. You have seen the theories and purpose of corrections, the reality of what is happening in our correctional facilities and related institutions, and been exposed to some of the conversations and alternative ideas […]

Briefly describe specific policies at the federal, state and local levels that were responsible for racial segregation in housing in the United States.

Housing Segregation in America After reading Chapter 5 of your text on “Civil Rights and Public Policy,” and watching the documentary by Richard Rothstein, “Segregated by Design,” write a brief report that contains three separate sections that address the following questions. Please notice the expected word count for each section. 1. Briefly describe specific policies […]

Can you think of any reasonable actions that we could take in order to begin resolving the issue?

what is an american by crevecoeur Choose one reading we did in class and analyze the issue the author addresses in the text. Then, research and answer the question: How does the issue still perpetuate in America today? This essay involves a research component, meaning you must do outside research and gather at least 4-5 […]