Elevator speech- Project: Project is focused on decreasing vaccine hesitancy and increasing respiratory illnesses vaccine uptake in African American adults. To begin, prepare a drafted document of an elevator speech to include six compelling components (examples provided to further define the components): 1. Introduction – Introduce yourself and relativity to a DNP role 2. Hook […]
Tag Archives: American Adults
Describe how your project “fits” with this particular conference and pay careful attention to describing the usual audience of this conference-How might your project appeal to these learners?
Professional Abstract Assignment Call for Abstracts Activity: Dissemination plan and professional development activity. This assignment is designed to assist you with identifying opportunities for DNP project dissemination and successfully responding to these calls for participation aka Call for Abstracts. MY PROJECT: “Decreasing Vaccine Hesitancy and Increasing Vaccine Uptake in African American Adults.” The steps to […]