What do you think is the most important issue for Corrections in the next 10-20 years-Explain your answer.

Course text- “American Corrections: Looking forward” Clear and Cole American Corrections Wadsworth/Thompson (2016) (eleventh edition). 1. Answer the topic question in your own words. List and define the five correctional dilemmas 2. What do you think is the most important issue for Corrections in the next 10-20 years? Explain your answer.

What are the historical differences among probation, parole, and community-based alternatives to incarceration?

CJAw4signature In 1/2 to 1 page of single-spaced text for each question below, respond to each of the following 7 discussion items; citations are encouraged as well as a reference page at end of the assignment: cite from book: American Corrections, 13th Edition By: Clear, Todd R. ISBN: 978-0-357-45653-8 1. Describe the historical context of […]