What made Native American peoples vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers?

Include as much information as possible to support the answer. Each answer should have 3-5 paragraphs in length, and well-developed paragraphs with 5-7 sentences. You only need to cite your sources if you use direct quotes. “have 2 sources per question” 1.)What made Native American peoples vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers? 2.)Why was the […]

What influence does American Culture play in the progression of addiction in the U.S and globally.

What influence does American Culture play in the progression of addiction in the U.S and globally. Who is addict in America? Does social media contribute to the 50,000 death a year from drug overdose. How has the influence of substance use in our society impacted your professional and social life?  

Which approach to reasoning do you think will be most useful for you in the research argument that you are developing in this course?

In a fully developed short essay (minimum of eight paragraphs in length),answer all of the questions below and post your essay to the discussion forum. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Remember that you are having a conversation with your peers in this particular genre of writing, […]

What kinds of visual form have you experienced so far today-Of these forms, how many used text combined with image?

Rather than only to the wealthy and powerful. Because of these beginnings, do you feel that printmaking is an art form that can be associated more with particular social and political environments than others? Is the commercial aspect of printmaking an important cultural consideration? How do the commercial and social implications of printmaking relate to […]

What do you think is shared amongst the majority of Americans in terms of culture (meaning those ideas, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are both shared and learned amongst a group of persons.)?

What is American Culture? 1. What do you think is shared amongst the majority of Americans in terms of culture (meaning those ideas, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are both shared and learned amongst a group of persons.)? 2.Provide a video clip or other interesting link to support your idea/s. You can also talk about […]

Explain how the American culture and society changed in the North versus the South during Reconstruction.

Reconstruction and the Compromise of 1877 Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 15, 16 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, craft a response comparing the three (3) Reconstruction plans: Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan) – Lincoln […]

What is individualism? Define it from a sociological perspective, explain its relationship with American culture, and provide one example of it.

Sociology Each question can be answered in 200-300 words. 1. Using your sociological imagination, explain how the pandemic has impacted your life and American society at large. 2. What is individualism? Define it from a sociological perspective, explain its relationship with American culture, and provide one example of it.

What elements of “freedom” do these authors/texts share in common, and how/why do other elements differ? How is their depiction of freedom significant to our study of American literature? Be specific with your evidence and your insight.

The essay should be supported with specific examples and details from the texts; avoid generalizations or unnecessary plot summary. Your response should demonstrate thorough comprehension of the course materials, and while well-chosen, brief quotes from the primary texts can be appropriate. You will be graded on content and organization, including grammar and mechanics; if your […]