What does he say about the national debt including such issues as Social Security and national defense?

American government https://youtu.be/So2OQW6gR6I Discuss: Former Senator Simpson (R-WY) was the co-chair of President Obama’s bipartisan commission on the national debt. What does he say about the national debt including such issues as Social Security and national defense? What must leaders in Congress do to reduce the burgeoning debt in the United States? According to the […]

What has been the impact of the 19th Amendment on voting in America?

Introduction to American Government Section I. Essay Directions: Write on the following question, explaining your position as thoroughly and as completely as possible, using examples from notes and readings. Use your mind and take your time, in short, be brilliant! (20 total points) Remember that a detailed response is the key to a successful essay […]

What challenges do collaborative efforts face in juvenile justice?

Topic: How American Government Frames Youth Problems Assignment In this assignment, you will apply the Learn material in a meaningful way to clarify your understanding of various factors of what collaboration means in the juvenile court systems. What challenges do collaborative efforts face in juvenile justice? Your essay discusses what collaboration means in the juvenile […]

Why is the president the dominant force in foreign policymaking?

Term Paper POLS 301 US Government Based on the reading of Chapters 10 and 11 Presidency and Congress,from the textbook Welch, “Understanding American Government”, 13th, Thomson, 2011.write an essay to address both of the following questions. Why is the president the dominant force in foreign policymaking? What has Congress done to assert its own role […]

How does democracy survive given such low levels of political knowledge among Americans over time?

American government Since the advent of polling, political scientists have found that Americans don’t know much about the details of political issues or even the names of many leading politicians. Education is one distinguishing factor that separates the politically sophisticated from the unsophisticated, but, since education levels have increased over the last half-century, why hasn’t […]

Discuss and develop the topic/policy you will focus on for this assignment. Policy suggestions can be found in the Week Two Question and Policy Resource and are also addressed in the Week 2 Discussion.

This week, you will determine a policy for your Final Paper and begin your research regarding the policy of your choosing. It is important to remember that your paper should focus on a specific policy and that your paper will need to address the following components: Historical and constitutional basis for the American government’s structure […]

Compare the theme in this book to the theme portrayed in “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson.

Formatting: 1 inch margins, 12 point font, double spaced, at least 3 full pages.*** Avoid the use of of quotations/paraphrasing from the book. ***Compare the theme in this book to the theme portrayed in “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson. This Book Review should also correlate with the ideas taught in a first year American Government […]