What lessons or skills from this course will you apply in future courses or other areas of your life?

write a 450-750 word reflection (2-3 pages) reflecting on what you have learned in this course. Your reflection should include specific details about the course and what you learned. This can include discussion of specific ideas, concepts, assignments, materials, skills, etc. Questions to Consider in your Reflection Use these questions to guide your reflection. You […]

Was the American Revolution, revolutionary?

After viewing/reading the course page and conducting your own research via the GMC library and course text book, respond to the following prompt. Keep in mind that this is not a discussion forum. This is a writing assignment. You will not be responding to other student’s posts; you will simply be posting your response to […]

What political, economic, and social challenges did European immigrants to the US face during the first presidential administrations?

Prompt Option 1: Trace the legal development and growth of slavery in North America before and after the American Revolution (through the new republic). Which economic, geographic, and social factors encouraged growths of slavery in the colonial period (1607- 1775) and the early republican period (1780s through the 1810s)? How did the American Revolution affect […]

What elements in society stayed the same?

The American Revolution pitted a minority of colonists against the most powerful empire of the era. Was the American Revolution truly revolutionary? What changes came out of it? Were these changes revolutionary in nature? What elements in society stayed the same? Raise at least one interestichong question for your classmates  

Evaluate the reasons why the Americans were able to win the American Revolution.

Topic 1 American Revolution Evaluate the reasons why the Americans were able to win the American Revolution. Topic 2 The New Nation Evaluate political changes the Constitution created for the new nation.[NOTE: what had changed / what was different from governments they had had before the Constitution?] Topic 3 The Early Republic Evaluate the reasons […]

Identify the academic historians Wood cites in his essay, and briefly state what their arguments are

Topic: Assignment II: Reading a Scholarly Article For this assignment, you will read a scholarly article, provided for you in the Additional Readings module. This assignment requires you to pay close attention to the language the author uses and how he constructs their arguments (what they emphasize, what types of evidence they appeal to.) This […]

Why did the American Revolution occur-What were the ideas the propelled people to join the revolution?

Topic: History Discussion 2 Using the video, the primary document, the website, and Chapter 3 from the textbook, answer the following questions in a post at least 300 words that starts a thread and also write two replies to others at least 100 words long each: Why did the American Revolution occur? What were the […]

Write a few sentences about each set of letters; your goal is to say enough about each to show that you understand the main focus of each set of letters (or single letter; the last one, from Jefferson to Adams in 1813, has no letter of reply).

Before attempting this written assignment, you must first read several things, found just above this Reflection in Module Two. Here they are listed: Neoclassic Enlightenment highlights Characteristics of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods The merging of Neoclassic and Romantic in the American Revolution And especially, the attached file in the separate item just above this […]

Write a couple of paragraphs discussing the Grievances in the Declaration of Independence. But sure to explain

Write an essay completing the four steps below. Make sure your essay is based exclusively on studying the assigned lectures on Blackboard in the “American Founding” folder. Do not consult the internet or other sources. 1) Write a couple of paragraphs about people in the 13 colonies. Be sure to explain • the differences among […]