How different were women’s lives in the colonial period from our lives today? What have been the most significant changes for American women?

How different were women’s lives in the colonial period from our lives today? What have been the most significant changes for American women? Consider a few aspects of life such as work, marriage, motherhood, family, education, health, etc. This should be a 2-3 page essay (double-spaced) with a topic, conclusion, and source citations listed at […]

Discuss 3 major themes of particular relevance to women that should be traced through the history of American women. Explain why these themes are invaluable for an understanding of women in American history.

You are a distinguished historian of American women. For that reason, a major publisher has asked you to supervise revision of its college-level U.S. history survey textbook which, as it now stands, has very little coverage of women. Summarize your recommendations of the necessary changes and additions. Your 8-10 page essay (report) should have three […]