How do contemporary cultures resonate with LeGuin’s story?

Published in 1973, LeGuin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” offers a fantasy of a seemingly perfect society…until you look more closely: Then you discover a more sinister cast. If happiness is so conditional, are the means ever justifiable? Examine the situation LeGuin presents. How do the story’s details contribute to its effectiveness? Now […]

Identify the theory-practice gap in the case study above and describe how this potential gap can impact nursing practice and patient care.

Read the following case study: You are a staff nurse working in an intensive care unit and assigned to care for a 75-year-old African American man who had coronary artery bypass graft surgery four days ago. The patient has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by heavy smoking. His postoperative course has been […]

provide specific examples to support your position and consider opposing viewpoints.

Based on our Readings and Discussions through out the first two months, identify one strength OR one weakness of the American Constitution and the government it creates. Be sure to thoroughly justify why you consider it a strength/weakness, provide specific examples to support your position and consider opposing viewpoints. In your answer, include the following […]

How has your perspective changed as a result of completing this program?

This assignment is a reflection on how you feel you have grown as a nursing professional. In NURS 300, you created a professional mission statement. An excerpt of that assignment has been provided as a guide. For this assignment, provide a short essay paper that addresses the following: Which nursing role do you plan to […]

What are the different arguments that you have heard from the various articles?

ABORTION Media Analysis: For this assignment, you are to investigate and compare media coverage of one issue from both mainstream and alternative sources. Since you will be comparing reporting across sources, it is probably easiest to address an issue that is currently hot such as the current war in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, […]

Describe the evolution of the two party political system in our early history and use examples from this essay in your answer for the various political parties towards the Civil War period.

Instructions: you need to use the text Perspectives on Early America to answer at TWO of these questions. Each answer should be 2-3 fairly long paragraphs and you need to use examples from the essays in your answer. Newman-Slave Revolts. Describe the slave revolts and attempted slave revolts during the 1600s and 1700s. Show the […]

Identify personal learning gained from the experience

Professional Activity Reflection Explore the interviews posted on The American Nurse ( ).Select an area of nursing and identify 2-3 of nurses (BSN or higher degree) whose work relates to that area to use for the assignment (pick 2-3 nurses from the big grid of pictures who work in the same type area). Critique […]

What would you want to learn about and how would you conduct your research project?

choose ONE of these topic Choose ONE of these topics. Juanita Simon, a program assistant at ElderHealth Northwest, leads an exercise class with hand weights at an ElderHealth Northwest adult day health center Thursday, March 20, 2008 in Seattle. The class is part of a day of meals, exercise, and other social programs provided at […]