How do we define the needs of the communities we seek to serve as public administrators?

Topic: Week 6 Discussion (American Governance) After this unit, do your responses to the questions of last week hold up? What is different? What ideas remain stable? Last weeks question and post: Who gets to define community needs? How do we define the needs of the communities we seek to serve as public administrators? How […]

What is special about what we say about ourselves our first person accounts as a matter of evidence?

Douglas Starr, “The Interview,” The New YorkerDec 2013 (PDF  Download PDF) (Links to an external site.) The Innocence Project: to an external site.) Guiding questions: Summarize the article about false confessions for your classmates. On its basis, tell us: How can it be that people falsely confess — when there are dire consequences […]

Discuss the relationship between Britain and the enslaved in both the northern and southern colonies as the war approached and became ignited.

Homework: Reading- The Hidden History of the American Revolution (pages 59-69 Subtitle: “The Unknown Revolution”) Radicalism- Who were the radicals and what did they want from the Revolution? Who were Andrew Oliver and Thomas Hutchinson and why were they detested by “the crowd” of poor and common men (what did they represent)? When “the crowd” […]

Explore how these characters embody what it means to be an American.

About the Assignment Despite its relative youth, American literature has transformed through several different periods, each with distinct identities and purposes. In this course, you’ve covered several of the prominent eras and read famous works from fiction, drama, and poetry. Looking at drama, in particular, use the following prompt as a foundation to write a […]

What actions are the Soviets likely to take and how should the United States respond?

Week 7 George Kennan’s “Long Telegram” In 1946, an American diplomat stationed in Moscow, George Kennan, sent a 8,000-word telegram to the Department of State in Washington DC analyzing the nature of Soviet Union’s foreign policy. Kennan’s report, known as “long telegram,” provided the United States with a conceptual framework to contain Soviet expansionism during […]

Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of American History.

Topic: American History The paper must be in 12 point font, double spaced, and have 1” margins. This MLA-style paper must be between 700-1,000 words in length In this written assignment the student must create a historical argument, analyze and interpret the assigned sources, and relate the relationships revealed within the source material. For this […]

How do you view the interplay between federal agencies and local law enforcement?

Explain your view on the role the criminal justice system plays in regard to Homeland Security. Do you feel criminal justice has a role in Homeland Security? Do you believe criminal agencies want to assume this role? Do you believe American Society wants the police to assume a role? How do you view the interplay […]

Discuss the access, cost, and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives.

Discuss the access, cost, and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives. Reflect on the relationship between quality measures and evaluation and role development. Describe this relationship and note how the role of the APN might change without effective quality measures. 1750 word limit (not including reference) Infographics are visual representations of […]

What is the most compelling issue, event or personality? be specific use keywords “compelling issue” make it clear where you are answering the second part of the question by use keywords ” revealing about American society”

Video Response Watch the 2 videos 1. “The Spanish-American War”ht ..2. “African-American Soldiers in World War 1” question 1 What were the main themes ? include how the video conveyed the main theme. Present the keyword “main themes” “main arguments” question 2 use key word ” most compelling issue, event or personality” (be specific) What […]