What specific actions did he take during the negotiations that helped them succeed?

(Camp David) Watch the section of his biography from PBS American Experience. When you finish reflect on Carter’s story. Presidents bring strengths in some areas and not in others. Presidents also have the presidency that history hands to them. How did Carter’s perceived “weaknesses” turn out to be strengths in the Camp David situation? What […]

What makes the American Sociological Review unique among the journals on this page?

prompt 1: This link takes you to the list of journals published by the American Sociological Association (ASA): Journals 1) What makes the American Sociological Review unique among the journals on this page? 2) Pick one journal of interest. Search online to find that journal’s: a) impact factor, b) the link to its website (the […]

Analyzes the difference in the demographics of the American People and the members of the 117th Congress;

Congressional Demopraphics 1.write an essay with chart provided that -Analyzes the difference in the demographics of the American People and the members of the 117th Congress; -Assess what impact, if any, the difference in the demographics of the American people and the demographics of the 117th Congress have on the types of policies that are […]

Does it relate to a group or groups who have been forgotten about?

Topic: American Made Some things to consider as you compose your paper: Why is this important to U.S. history? Does it relate to a group or groups who have been forgotten about? Is it about a subject that doesn’t usually fit in to U.S. history classes? Is it usually covered in history classes? Do few […]

Does Culture Identity Influence the Way American’s Comprehend Literature

Topic: Knowledge Genesis: Does Culture Identity Influence the Way American’s Comprehend Literature Use knowledge Genesis to write a research paper explaining, does culture identity influence the way American’s comprehend literature? Chicago Format, scholarly/peer-reviewed works ONLY, must contain: title page, abstract, table of contents with all parts and their page numbers, introduction (6 paragraphs), body paragraphs(35-45 […]

Prepare a summary of both hospitals using information found on 990’s and profiles.

Topic: 990 Hospital Summary Select at least two hospitals in the State you selected earlier in the course. Register accounts on GUIDESTAR.ORG and AHADATAVIEWER.COM Locate and download their most recent IRS form 990 on www.guidestar.com. Download the American Hospital Association profiles for both hospitals on ahadataviewer.com (Links to an external site.). Assignment: Prepare a summary […]

Explains the significance of those rhetorical elements in supporting the speaker/author’s purpose and goals

Social Movement Rhetoric Mini-Analysis Mini-analysis activities are an opportunity for you to engage with our module readings and resources and apply key concepts from rhetorical theory to real-world speeches and texts. For this mini-analysis you will need to find a text related to either the civil rights movement or the women’s rights movement. This text […]

Can you find out where are they now have the students graduated and started work?  

Topic: Research and Analysis a unique Campaign Select one student, medal-winner (gold, silver, bronze—or equivalent—no merits) from the American Advertising Awards (Addy Awards). You may select a winner from any of the past five years. You may use resources from websites or the Library to identify potential winners. Any work you analyze must have won […]

Explain how the literature review is thorough, current and relevant to the study?

Description: Students will identify a topic relevant to children and families in a professional social work journal. Students will read, summarize, and critique an article in Social Work journals related to course content which is child welfare. Reviews should be 2-3 pages and should follow APA guidelines with appropriate content and syntax. Use the following […]

What are the recommended medications to start this specific patient on?provide the drug class, generic & trade name, and initial starting dose. 

Topic: Cardiovascular, Hematopoietic, Renal Provide your responses and rationales. Support your rationales with high-level evidence. (See Post Expectations) Mrs. Lyons is a 57-year-old African American female who recently developed headaches and had an elevated blood pressure reading at her work health fair. When she had her blood pressure taken at the health fair the reading […]