How does historian Tiya Miles combat the lack of written historical evidence to construct a story of Black women from the 1850s-1920s?

Topic: All That She Carried Essay Use evidence from All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family’s Keepsake, and you may also use evidence from Through Women’s Eyes: An American History With Documents. Historians of women, especially of enslaved women, have difficulty telling their story due to in large part to […]

What activities does an American do –what activities support your definition of “American?”

Defining American For this essay, you will explore what you believe it means to be an American. Ask yourself the following: How do you define the noun “American?” What cultural norms are “American?” What activities does an American do –what activities support your definition of “American?” What habits, languages, or beliefs (or lack thereof) support […]

Was legislator/assistant knowledgeable about APN role and topic or at least willing to become informed? Was he or she willing to express support or opposition? Was he or she cordial or merely civil, helpful or confrontational, or informative about the political process?

Assignment Prompt Public policy has a major impact on your practice and your patients. Advocacy is an expectation of the advanced practice nurse. Elected officials care about what their constituents have to say. To make a difference, you need to be informed and engaged. Contacting your legislator and discussing issues is an important attribute of […]

Discuss the results of the assessments and in what ways you see your results reflecting your current life.

BENCHMARK COUNSELOR IMPAIRMENT AND WELLNESS PAPER ASSIGNMENT In more recent years, the American Counseling Association (ACA) has recognized that professional counselors, like all helping professions, are at a higher risk for burnout, vicarious trauma, and impairment. For this assignment, you will: Write a 6 page paper in current APA format with professional guidelines including a […]

Discuss and analyze the academic development and practice of American public administration.

Based upon Module 3 readings, articulate the meaning of public administration as an academic discipline and practice in regards to providing public services. Additionally, discuss and analyze the academic development and practice of American public administration. Your initial response to this discussion should be at least 500 words in length. Be careful to cite sources […]

Do you agree with this point-What boundaries should exist to those interventions?

Post 1: Look at Henry David Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Government.” He claims that it is not just our right as Americans, but it is also our duty to defy unjust laws. This is a very American idea. Part of the American identity involves intervening in the face of injustice. Do you agree with this […]

Do you think Michael should approve Dennis’s request-Can this request be justified given company policy?

This is diversity in management class. (BOOK Diversity Consciousness Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities Fourth Edition Richard D. Bucher ) Michael identifies himself as African American. He is a college graduate and the divorced Father of a teenage son, Aaron, who attends a private school in the well-to-do suburb where they live. […]

Which of the five nurses featured in The American Nurse film do you relate to the most and why?

Discussion Discuss your academic nursing history and nursing work history as well as your rationale for returning to school. Describe your professional identity. Answer “What do nurses do?” Describe your professional socialization thus far. Discuss Basic Student Socialization as explained in Cohen’s Model and Benner’s Model. Why is socialization important? Which of the five nurses […]

Are Cisneros’ family expectations similar or different than your family’s expectations?

Introduction In “Only Daughter” by Sandra Cisneros, Cisneros describes what it was like to grow up as the only girl in a family of seven children, born to a Mexican-American mother and a Mexican father. In “Only Daughter,” she discusses the difficulties of growing up the only daughter in an American-Mexican family, and how her […]

What does or does not make the U.S. inherently different from the rest of the world?

American Exceptionalism Watch the video links provided below. The concept of American Exceptionalism has been floating around for generations in the U.S. then and even now. Is the concept of American Exceptionalism toxic or productive? What does or does not make the U.S. inherently different from the rest of the world? Is it important or […]