Describe specific items that could essentially be transported to a project that you are managing. Could these items be based on elements from other organizations?

For the final paper, you will be writing about the following project management topics based on what you have learned in this course this term. You will write a 5-7 page paper that effectively addresses the topics below. Topics: Look at how projects are managed within a well-known organization, is there a specific setup for […]

Describe the immediate and long-term consequences of the historical event for American society. In other words, how did the event impact American society?

Women Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment I. Introduction: In this section of your essay, you will introduce your readers to the historical event you selected. Specifically, you should: A. Provide a brief overview of your historical event. For instance, what background information or context does the reader of your essay need? B. Based on […]

What are some of barriers and challenges that people face in fully experiencing these established American values?

Assignment Instructions: Throughout this course you have learned about American values and the ways that American society realizes these values. In studying American values, we need to question not only how these values that have been an integral part of American society are ideally supposed to be experienced by all Americans as part of our […]

How do you think we can bring equity into the college classroom, especially during these current times?

Equity and Equality Discussion Forum Equity vs Equality. Watch the following video: 1. Did you already know the difference between equality and equity? 2. How is equity and empathy connected and how does that effect the notion of “fairness” you learned about in the video? 3. How has the notion of equity and equality […]

What was the relationship between the Cold War, American economic growth, and domestic politics?

Cold War Economy What was the relationship between the Cold War, American economic growth, and domestic politics? Were they intertwined or independent variables? Use your text and links in module.

How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

Nursing 376 Formative Assessment 1: Role of Informatics in Patient Care Assignment Content Using Word, create your response in a minimum of 500 words and upload when complete. Review the presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association about linking informatics strategies to patient outcomes. How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and […]

If every contract already contains an implied duty of good faith and fair dealing, isn’t it already part of American contract law?

Individual Research Paper Topic Selection and Topic Statement Original thesis statement: Every contract contains an implied duty of good faith and fair dealing and should become part of the U.S. contract law. Argue: If every contract already contains an implied duty of good faith and fair dealing, isn’t it already part of American contract law? […]

What are the impacts of phishing on American businesses-How do you deal with phishing?

THE PROBLEM OF PHISHING AND ITS IMPACT ON AMERICAN BUSINESSES INTRODUCTION Many people, organizations and consumers have embraced online commerce in recent years, making them susceptible to cyber-attacks such as phishing. Okpa et al.(462) note that phishing is stealing or taking people’s information to defraud them of their hard-earned money. Phishing has become a significant […]

What do you think that this says about American society? As a result, more and more individuals are becoming addicted to prescription medications.

Thinking about American society, why do you think that using medication is the “answer” to addiction? What do you think that this says about American society? As a result, more and more individuals are becoming addicted to prescription medications. What are your thoughts on psychopharmacology for addictions in American society?

Explain Five Critical Moments in Modern American History,” which will be featured in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

Congratulations You have been chosen as the curator for a new exhibit, “Finding the American Dream:Explain Five Critical Moments in Modern American History,” which will be featured in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this exhibit is to give museum visitors an opportunity to think about the idea of […]