What leadership skill will you need to develop in yourself that accentuate your personal strengths, address interpersonal relationships and help you to stay abreast of the changes?

HR Management Choose one of these companies: J&J (formerly Johnson & Johnson), Nestlé, Intel, American Express, or Toyota. Look at their annual report, stock portfolio, supporting documents, and strategy for maintaining a competitive advantage over the next 5 years. Assume you are a senior member of an HR department in the company you researched. Develop […]

Describe two contributions this nurse made to the nursing profession including an explanation of how these two unique contributions influenced current nursing practice.

Nurse that historically contributed to the advancement of the profession. Describe the background of the nurse you selected. Discuss the major social issues occurring at the time this nurse lived. Describe two contributions this nurse made to the nursing profession including an explanation of how these two unique contributions influenced current nursing practice. You may […]

How will you determine the direction the organization needs to take to address changes in laws and policy from an HR perspective?

HR Management Choose one of these companies: J&J (formerly Johnson & Johnson), Nestlé, Intel, American Express, or Toyota. Look at their annual report, stock portfolio, supporting documents, and strategy for maintaining a competitive advantage over the next 5 years. Assume you are a senior member of an HR department in the company you researched. Develop […]

What would be hailed as the “frontier topic,” Turner declared that the end of the frontier marked “the closing of a great historic movement” the colo-nization of the Great West.

In what would be hailed as the “frontier topic,” Turner declared that the end of the frontier marked “the closing of a great historic movement”—the colo-nization of the Great West. He explained that the fron-tier had been “the meeting point between savagery and civilization.” At this intersection, the Europeans had been “Americanized” by the wilderness. […]

Do you think schools should emphasize that truth and values are certain, as in the case of idealists and realists, or that truths and values are probabilities, as asserted by pragmatists?

Historical and Philosophical Education There are four prompt options for your initial thread. Read all four-thread options, select one prompt that is most applicable to you and respond. Ensure your thread fully answers and explains the one prompt you selected. Thread Options: 1. Do you think schools should emphasize that truth and values are certain, […]

Explain some of the reasons why certain companies’ expansion plans have failed in the past.

Globalization and Information Research Part 1: Globalization and Information Research Context: Companies that perform well in their country of origin usually consider expanding operations in new international markets. Deciding where, how, and when to expand is not an easy task, though. Many issues need to be considered before crafting an expansion strategy and investing significant resources […]

Identify at least three factors in 19th century American society that hindered the expansion of freedom and rights in the reunited nation.

The process of healing between the 13, 14 and 15th amendment. Describe the extent to which Amendments 13, 14, and 15 helped initiate a more perfect Union, as described in the readings, Obama’s address, and the text of the amendments themselves. Identify at least three factors in 19th century American society that hindered the expansion […]

What were the consequences of the Mexican-American War-Discuss the sectional crisis of 1850.

What was “Manifest Destiny”? How did the policies of James K. Polk, 1845- 1849, realize the dreams of American expansionists in those years? What were the consequences of the Mexican-American War? Discuss the sectional crisis of 1850. What were the elements of the compromise reached by the north and the south that year?

What does he have to say about the project of American democracy?

The following readings are available on electronic reserve, and can be found by clicking on the “Course Reserves” link on the course menu: Prompt This week, we looked at one of the most troubled times in American history a moment where it was not even clear America as an idea or nation would even continue. […]

Describe how the 2 types of media have influenced American culture since 1970.

Summative Assessment 1: American Mass Media and Culture Assignment Content American mass media and culture are deeply intertwined, and it is hard to imagine an aspect of American culture that is not influenced by mass media. Spirituality, politics, and even our language are influenced by media. In this assignment, you will investigate how 2 different […]