What do you believe are the most relevant attributes of these concepts as they relate to modern psychology?

Structuralism, Functionalism, and Introspection: Contributions to Modern Psychology Assessment Description The concept and theories of functionalism, structuralism, and introspection are important components in the history of psychology. Several key theorists have contributed to these concepts and have left an indelible mark in the history of psychology. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful […]

Writefew sentences explaining what information you found (or expect to find) in each article.

1. Chosen immigrant or refugee group Cannot be any of the following already covered extensively within the modules: Irish, German, Jewish, Chinese, or African American 2. 5 internet sites and/or articles that you have found to locate the necessary information about your chosen group. Include a summary about each source that explains the information available […]

What could you do to ensure you as researcher are conducting ethical research? Discuss.

1. Identify and discuss researchers’ ethical responsibilities when conducting research. You must discuss: What a researchers ethical responsibilities are (FYI  a good resource other than your textbook is the American Psychological Association – you could google it and find this information easily)? Discuss. Why these ethical responsibilities important? Discuss What could you do to ensure […]

What is the current status of campaign finance reform-Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process?

Campaign Finance Spending What is the current status of campaign finance reform? Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process? Should there be limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and labor unions? Why? Why not? Be specific. Provide concrete examples.

What (if anything) should be changed to help support our country’s diverse student population and better meets their language and literacy needs?

Success and Failures of American Language Policy In Douglas Kibbee’s Language and the Law, he explores a diverse range of linguistic inequalities using examples from legislation and case law. He grapples with the question of how linguistic differences challenge our fundamental ideals of democracy, justice, and fairness. Now you will write an argumentative research essay […]

What does the rooster and its distant crowing symbolize for the narrator, and does the rooster’s symbolic meaning ever change in the story?

Cock-a-doodle-doo! For this fifth discussion post of 250-300 words, review “Symbolism” and “Motif” in A Short Guide to Reading Novels and Short Stories and then answer one of the two prompts below. 1. SYMBOLISM: If a symbol develops a meaningful equation between an object and an idea/value, what do you think the rooster itself symbolizes […]

What have you learned about the people of the past by examining different historical issues/events/ideas?

Write a 750-1000 word paper (3-4 pages) that examines at least three major issues, events, or ideas in American history since 1865. Your paper should include the following: Introduction – Give a general overview of the topic. End your introduction with a topic/main idea statement that identifies your specific issues/events/ideas and what their overall impact […]

Is the American Dream like the mythical Phoenix rising from the ashes-Your take?

ECON paper Housing Starts after suffering their worst collapse in decades appeared to have bottomed out several years ago and once again began recovering. Since the onset of the pandemic this trend reversed initially as the economy went into lockdown, but the sector now seems to be mounting a slow recovery. Although housing is still […]

Do we touch on core values and not just surface qualities-How are the characters universally human?

American Born Chinese: By Gene Luan Yang In 2 full pages, answer the following prompts: From the Book American Born Chinese by Gene Luan Yang Drawing on at least 3 of the 6 “concepts and controversies” considerations (below), discuss whether American Born Chinese seems like it’s respectful and authentic toward the ethnicity/culture being presented. Author […]