What dimensions of qualities were absent from American made autos that allowed Japanese auto sales growth over the past 50 years?

Using Garvins 8 Dimensions of Product Quality: Discuss the arrival of Japanese automobiles in the United States auto market in the early 1960’s. What dimensions of qualities were absent from American made autos that allowed Japanese auto sales growth over the past 50 years? Be sure to include external research and the concepts of the […]

Identify the assumptions made in the arguments made on both sides of the issue – for example, why might someone argue that the demand for entry-level fast-food workers is inelastic-Do you identify any biases in your evidence?

Minimum Wage You are to conduct the research necessary and present the salient facts surrounding the controversy of raising the minimum wage in the United States (currently $7.25) to a level of $15. Although many states have minimum wages higher than this, make the simplifying assumption that all states have the same $7.25 minimum wage. […]

What are some specific ways in which an understanding of religious issues aids a person in accurately understanding American or previous European (or non-Western) history?

What are some specific ways in which an understanding of religious issues aids a person in accurately understanding American or previous European (or non-Western) history? Direction for Inquiry Essay: By answering above inquiry question (or if you want to choose another), write or produce a conventional essay (4-5 double-spaced pages, 12 font). This product of […]

What do you intend to research?-Why is this topic important?

SPSS Research Paper Research Paper Each student will complete an independent research project in this course. The research question and method of data collection you use must come from the GSS and be analyzed with SPSS. The paper will be due in stages throughout the semester. Thus, it is imperative that you submit all stages. […]

Write a 3-page paper on a Black health or social services organization or business of your choice that you found online and discuss the interventions/programs they perform.

Black Health Organizations Write a 3-page paper on a Black health or social services organization or business of your choice that you found online and discuss the interventions/programs they perform. Some examples are: The Association of Black Psychologists or African American Health Issues the choice is yours.

Does the book accurately or inaccurately describe the history in the book? 20%

Last of the Mohicans Review Each student will choose a book from the enclosed list and write a review of the work, discussing the author’s topic, the contents of the book, the background of the author, and concluding with the student’s opinion on whether the work accomplished its purpose for the reader. You are also […]

Discuss the statistical significance that economically disadvantaged American students face. Especially in mathematics and early education (Grades K and 1)

Response to Intervention for Economically Disadvantaged Students in Early Education The paper discusses the need for early intervention in mathematics for American students. 1) Focus on kindergarten and grade one. 2) Focus on economically disadvantaged students. – Discuss the statistical significance that economically disadvantaged American students face. Especially in mathematics and early education (Grades K […]

Should World War II be considered a “Good War?” The stories presented by Terkel are first person accounts of the Second World War by Americans who lived through it at home as civilians or as soldiers.

Was ww2 a good war Read excerpts from The “Good War” by Studs Terkel on Blackboard and answer the following question: Should World War II be considered a “Good War?” The stories presented by Terkel are first person accounts of the Second World War by Americans who lived through it at home as civilians or […]

What do you think the male counselor learned while practicing feminist therapy using the alter ego feedback system?

Issues in Counseling Women 1) At minute 6:34 stop the tape. List and explain the sexist behaviors exhibited by the counselor during the session. 2) At minute 14:11, stop the tape and list the distinctions between the second example and the first example. 3) At minute 18:12, stop the tape and list the differences between […]

Describe a criminological theory and delineate three ways in which its practical application has become evident through your practicum experience.

In this assignment, you are asked to critically analyze your practicum placement by examining one criminological theory and describing its application as you have observed in your practicum experiences. You are asked to answer one of these two questions in a 2000 paper: 1) Describe a criminological theory and delineate three ways in which its […]