Why did several African American intellectuals argue for black migration out of the United States during the nineteenth century?

Prompt: Why did several African American intellectuals argue for black migration out of the United States during the nineteenth century? What were the primary arguments for and against black emigration within African American communities and who were the leading voices?  

How Indigenous-Black/African American communities have been affected by the historical lack of access to land control/ownership

The two groups that have the longest history of racial discrimination in the United States are Indigenous people and Black people/African-Americans. Both groups have been denied the right to own/control the land that they lived on over the course of US history and both groups continue to struggle with the issue of land ownership and […]

How did the American victory in World War 2 impact us politically, socially-economically?

World War II How did the American victory in World War 2 impact us politically, socially, and economically? What were the long-term consequences of that victory? How did it change our economic position in the World? What impact did it have on our culture and social expectation of Americans?

Why do you think American wealth is distributed primarily among people who are white-What historical periods-specific events may have led to this? Explain.

White Fragility and Whiteness Questions for Discussion & Writing 1. Why does Wise suggest that issues like poverty, housing, education, and healthcare are race-related issues? What other political issues are race-related but rarely debated in that context? 2. Why do you think mainstream media report on individual, interpersonal cases of racism far more than systematic […]

What approaches has this group historically taken to address oppression? In what was have this group’s members advocated for themselves

This research paper is going to be on homeless people in the United States. Throughout the paper you’re going to answer the following questions: Describe the population group and its characteristics. (you may want to use census data here) What is required for “membership” in this group? (how is it defined?) Describe this population in […]

Discuss the role of the state judiciary describe each of the two tears of state courts

State and local government There will be two questions below one page for each question must be answered thoroughly and carefully backed up with logical conclusions and answers must be typed 12 point font double space in each page have your name on it with page number also if you use any source other than […]

Define-describe the major types of taxes used in American governments Federal, state, local-How are they alike-how are they different?

Government Taxes Governments utilize different types of taxes as part of their revenue systems to balance their budgets. Define and describe the major types of taxes used in American governments Federal, state, local. How are they alike and how are they different? Be specific in your answer.

How do you plan to be actively antiracist and use your public health training to interrupt systems of oppression, discrimination-abuse that exists where you study, live-work?Can

Statement of purpose You must submit an essay that answers three key questions, without exceeding 1,500 words: Why are you interested in pursuing a Master of Public Health degree and how will this prepare you for your career? What experiences have led to your pursuit of an MPH? Racism has been identified as a public […]

How is the coverage different-similar in each medium when locally covering a global topic?

A comparative study of a global catastrophe or crisis. Students identify a global catastrophe or crisis which could be, for example, a human tragedy, war, economic crisis, and explore how it has been addressed in American and European media. How is the coverage different or similar in each medium when locally covering a global topic? […]

What are the differences and similarities between your own cultural background-African American cultural background?

Parenting in African American culture African American culture is rich, diverse, and dynamic. Select one aspect of family functioning (parenting, home-school connection, marital stability, sibling relationships, etc.) and research the literature (3-5 studies) on how African American families fair in this area of functioning. In a 4-5 page paper, summarize your research findings, and explain […]