Write an essay in which you take a position on the message Fitzgerald communicates in The Great Gatsby and develop your argument using evidence from the novel.

The great Gatsby final assessment What statement/argument is Fitzgerald making about the human experience? Is he arguing something about American life in the 20’s? Is he commenting on how wealth impacts people? Is he making a statement on a person’s capacity to transcend his/her socioeconomic status? Is he criticizing people who are too focused on […]

Why did the Americans desire to return to it by the 1930s? Finally, what was the American attitude during the 1930s?

Section One: This first section describes the international scene during the decade of the 1930s. Toward the latter part of this section, the author states that while President Roosevelt was beginning to “bite his fingernails” over these events, most Americans were indifferent to the world situation. They were enjoying the “luxury of indifference.” For your […]

What factors do you think need to be considered in explaining why the various individuals have different interpretations of what it means to be American?

Based on the video The Color of Fear address four or more of the following themes: a)Describe the worldview i.e. cultural orientation of two or more of the various ethnic groups represented. You may want to focus on differences between majority and minority group members (example between David—White American and Victor-African American). Discuss how these […]

How do Zitkala-Sa’s writings show her caught between two different worlds with different values?

Read “The School Days of an Indian Girl,” “An Indian Teacher Among Indians” and “The Great Spirit” in the book American Indian Stories by Zitkala-Sa In these stories, Zitkala-Sa describes contradictory feelings about the education system for American Indian tribal members. She feels differently about the system at different times, but the development of her […]

What is the significance of Article 3 of The U.S. Constitution-The Judiciary Act of 1789? Why are these important regarding the powers of the judiciary? (100 to 150 words response)

JUS-104 Topic 5 – The Judiciary Instructions:Review and respond to the following questions. Make sure responses are substantive in nature and meet the required word count. There should be at least one reference per question. Was the British-American judicial system looked upon with favor by American colonists? Why or why not? How did it influence […]

What model of alterity would you like to develop as a school counselor?

Discussion 1. After reading Smith and Geroski’s (2015) “Decolonizing alterity models within school counseling practice,” what model of alterity would you like to develop as a school counselor? 2. As your counselees’ families may be experiencing issues and concerns at home, discuss your thoughts about school counselor ethical conduct both culturally and/or personally. 3. A […]

How far do you agree with the arguments made by Wolfe and Mamdani (2020) about the links between colonialism development of modern racial formations?

Choose question below and answer the one your comfortable with Assignment 1 The task: Write a 2000-word essay For the first 2000-word essay pick one of the following essay titles from section 1 below: 1. Compare and contrast the approach to the concept of race by W.E.B. Du Bois and Stuart Hall. 2. How far […]

How are historical racial inequalities reflected in the rates at which children drown in swimming pools?

How does a family’s income affect the likelihood its child will play organized sports such as tennis? How are historical racial inequalities reflected in the rates at which children drown in swimming pools? How has a Supreme Court decision from 1973 affected inequalities in school funding? What evidence does the pdf source, ‘Girls Finishing Last’, […]

“What does it mean to be an American now, today?”

The Age of New Immigrants Question 1. Your response should be at least two or three paragraphs. Your response will be graded on the basis of content (how well you respond to the question) and on the quality of your response (grammar, spelling, syntax, etc.) Question 2. Discussion Topic – “What does it mean to […]

How does the intersection of sport and race plays out in the sexualization of the sporting role of African American male athletes?

African American Studies (Sports)- “Hey Stud: Race, Sex, and Sports” In a minimum of two pages in essay format using paragraphs answer the following questions: 1.) First Impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting? 2.) Essential Message 3.) How does the intersection of sport and race […]