Write the Method section of your research paper to include participants, measures, procedure, research design, and data analysis.

PSYC 431 – Senior Research Seminar in Psychology The introduction criteria were Write a concise introduction to your research project that includes: Introduction of the problem area, The importance of the problem/topic, an Introduction of the independent and dependent variables and their relationship, Statistics of the number of people or events affected by the problem, […]

What are some of the misconceptions Americans have about immigration and how it impacts cities?

Use this article : https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/ Using the material in the Palen text and the assigned web article (above), describe the current patterns in U.S. immigration and how they differ from previous waves of immigration, answer the following questions: What are some of the misconceptions Americans have about immigration and how it impacts cities? What evidence […]

Explain thoroughly how you are thinking about those examples in the context of the class.

American Studies Question Process Papers [5 pts each] Submit a 3 page process/response paper (12pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins) that responds to at least 3 readings, films, or other assigned texts across the designated period (Weeks 4 through Week 8)  and explores the ideas, themes, or topics from those texts that made you […]

What standard does the officer have to meet to detain a person for questioning or to request identification?

Case Study-Wknd 2 Using the IRAC method, read the following case study, review the questions below and submit a 2 to 3 page paper responding to the questions. A plainclothes police officer, Detective James McFarland, was patrolling his assigned neighborhood, in Any town, USA. He noticed two individuals, an African-American named Willis Jackson and a […]

What are the significant differences between these projects’ overarching narratives of the nation’s founding?

Question For your Reflection Paper assignment, You will: Read The 1619 Project and listen to its companion Podcast Read The 1776 Report (Chapters 1-4) Produce a one to two-page paper, which should include addressing the questions below. Your paper should also consider the materials (readings, videos, documents, etc.) presented throughout this course. Do these projects […]

Drawing explicitly from ‘”Breaking the Disney Spell,” (in Module 6) explain in detail how Disney achieved this.

Breaking the Disney Spell According to Zipes. Disney took “American innocence [as a nation] and utopianism to reinforce the social and political status quo through false promises of the images he cast upon the screen” (333). Drawing explicitly from ‘”Breaking the Disney Spell,” (in Module 6) explain in detail how Disney achieved this.

Do you see any evidence here of how these songs might have been used by those who wrote, published, and sung them to intimidate or coerce the reluctant or neutral into supporting a particular cause?

The American Revolution Reading: For primary sources, Chapter 5 from Brown, Victoria, B. and Timothy J. Shannon. Going to the Source, Volume I: To 1877. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (5th Edition). Macmillan Higher Education, 2019, linked earlier in the module. For background, American Yawp, Chapter 5, Sections III-IV – this covers a lot of ground, […]

Why did the NASW support the separation of social services from cash assistance in the 1970s?

Public Welfare Programs In 1933, Harry Hopkins, one of FDR’s top advisors, argued that public welfare should not be a haven for professional social work practice. In the 1960s, the Public Welfare Association asserted that having social workers in public welfare programs would not only improve the life of poor families, but also reduce the […]

How does the episode relate to what you have read in your texts and what we have discussed in class?

The assignment requirements are (You have watched two episodes of High on Hog. The filmmaker is taking you on a journey with Soul Food In your response , choose 1 episode and How does the episode relate to what you have read in your texts and what we have discussed in class? How does it […]