Describe the ways the United States adapted to change and the expectations that came with being a superpower during the Cold War. What was the biggest challenge that the United States had to overcome with the rising pressure of Communism? How did the changing national interests impact American perspectives on society?

Describe the ways the United States adapted to change and the expectations that came with being a superpower during the Cold War. What was the biggest challenge that the United States had to overcome with the rising pressure of Communism? How did the changing national interests impact American perspectives on society? Your response should be […]

Discuss Frances Willard and Walt Whitman, two significant 19th-century American figures, may have been homosexuals. When public school students learn about them, should history textbooks and history teachers explain that they were homosexuals?

1. Please write a 1,500-word essay. Your essay will be graded on two general areas: written content and writing conventions. The conventions refer to the spelling, grammar, citations, capitalization, and format of your writing. The content refers to the style, topic, thesis, supporting evidence and sophistication of your argument. I wrote the questions in an […]

How were African American legislators successful in securing civil rights for their constituents? How were they thwarted in those attempts?

How were African American legislators successful in securing civil rights for their constituents? How were they thwarted in those attempts? How do these articles reflect 19th-century America’s views on civil rights?

What ethical implications are inherent in this decision to employ advanced technology in battlefields far removed from the American homeland, with weapons that cannot be defended against by our adversaries?Discuss

Write a two-page paper discussing the strengths and weaknesses of what you perceive the Obama administration’s counterterrorism strategy to have been in 2016. Your paper should address the following questions: What ethical implications are inherent in this decision to employ advanced technology in battlefields far removed from the American homeland, with weapons that cannot be […]

How has Covid-19 changed American history? How has it impacted your personal life. If so explain how? Do you think your city or nation will reboufktnd from this epidemic?Discuss

Topic: Corona Virus Paper details: How has Covid-19 changed American history? How has it impacted your personal life. If so explain how? Do you think your city or nation will reboufktnd from this epidemic?

Analyze why the Boston Tea Party is often credited with precipitation the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July 1776

The Essay needs to answer the question: “Analyze why the Boston Tea Party is often credited with precipitation the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July 1776”. the information needs to come from the attached document.

Chose two of the literary authors we have read this term and write an essay that argues why these authors agree or disagree with Lazarus’s vision of American acceptance and promise for those of different racial, religious, national, and/or ethnic backgrounds. How do these authors present their own views about American acceptance and promise? If American acceptance and promise exist, under what terms? If they don’t exist, why has the vision failed?

FINAL EXAM ESSAY TOPIC #1: “The New Colossus,” Emma Lazarus’s poem dedicated to the Statue of Liberty, ends with this famous statement about the possibility of acceptance and promise in America: “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send […]

Choose a theme or idea that you see in the play and then make an assertion about how and/or why that theme is being used:American Dream/Nightmare.

You are researching and writing an essay on Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman (1949). Choose a theme or idea that you see in the play and then make an assertion about how and/or why that theme is being used. Theme chosen: American Dream/Nightmare. Make sure you have a strong thesis statement. This should […]