Explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial).

Identify a current issue being debated about American national security, and state a preferred solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement). Explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, […]

Discuss Other than financial diversification from World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, how did racial and gender diversification of the military force changed the military and American society?

Other than financial diversification from World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, how did racial and gender diversification of the military force changed the military and American society?

Explain the tragic elements of the US policy in Vietnam, American protest against the war, and the plight of soldiers and veterans.

Description (First Page; Full page) : Read Chapter 29 from The American Promise, Volume II and write your responses to the questions below in outline format or as a rough draft. Use specific historical examples and details. You must use your own words to describe the events; do not copy from the textbook or other […]

Compare three manifestations of this Christian-inspired hate group: the emergence of the Klan during the early 20th century, as described by Tucker

Since its formation in the late 19th century, the Ku Klux Klan has reemerged several times throughout U.S. history. Compare three manifestations of this Christian-inspired hate group: the emergence of the Klan during the early 20th century, as described by Tucker; the ideology of Sam Bowers in the 1960s; and the contemporary ideology of the […]

Discuss how the content of your theory and the course readings explain, contribute to and/or evaluate the social construction of gender in American society—both mainstream culture & Evangelical Christian culture (remember there is a diversity of opinion between sub-groups within evangelicalism).

Your PowerPoint presentation should be between ten minutes of speaking and 10 minutes of discussion. Each student will choose a theory from any of the reading we have done this semester and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on your theory and include discussion questions related to your theory. The gender theory PowerPoint presentation should use information […]

Based on what you know about HR, what can you recommend to the employee or organization to improve their situation? Or, in the case of a positive example, what can you suggest for other organizations based on what you learned from this situation and your knowledge about HR?

Instructions: You will locate and analyze a current article in a mainstream, North American newspaper or magazine that relates to a theory or topic we discuss in class (that is, it directly relates to an issue within an organization, or relates to an issue a manager or employee(s) of an organization are facing). Please turn […]

Describe the plight of the Native American tribes during the early 1800s, the attempts to remove them from their land, including the legal, political, economic, and cultural justifications for doing so. Explain why you think that this type of treatment continued in the South.

Indian Removal In your own words, describe the plight of the Native American tribes during the early 1800s, the attempts to remove them from their land, including the legal, political, economic, and cultural justifications for doing so. Explain why you think that this type of treatment continued in the South. Next, also in your own […]

Explain How are you affected by the end of the war? What would be your response to returning home (after getting laid off of your job) after the end of WWII? How would you react to the media emphasis on the housewife and nuclear family?

Description American Women’s Lives Put yourself in the shoes of a woman living in the years immediately following the end of WWII. How are you affected by the end of the war? What would be your response to returning home (after getting laid off of your job) after the end of WWII? How would you […]

Explain What would be the obstacles faced by people of color during the Great Depression or the war years?

Description Thousands and thousands of African Americans wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt for help from 1932 to 1944. Assume an African American character and write from the perspective of the character. What would be the obstacles faced by people of color during the Great Depression or the war years? Explain the issues in your letter and […]