Analyze this historical event or figure for its/their implications concerning class, race, and/or gender in American society. For example, β€œThe Civil War changed the social status of African Americans (class & race) and women in the North found new employment opportunities due to industrialization (gender).”

Description Prospectus Mum Bet had challenged the documents that proposed the principles in the Massachusetts State Constitution. She had become the first African American woman to file a lawsuit for the freedom in the state of Massachusetts, a lawsuit that she won. Mum new that all men were born equal, free, having certain natural, essential […]

What do you think? Was America radically and fundamentally changed between 1760 and 1800?Explain

Description Answer the question below: What do you think? Was America radically and fundamentally changed between 1760 and 1800? There has been a longstanding historical debate over the status of the American Revolution. Some historians argue that the revolution was just the shift of power from the British elite to the American elite, leaving American […]

Identify at least five examples of how their chosen theme has manifested in American history between 1865 and 1989.

Description Students will write one 3-5 page paper on the following prompt: Throughout this course, we will view American history through seven themes: self-reliance, diversity, religiosity, materialism, dissent, industriousness, and reinvention. The first course reading will identify and give you a foundation of what each of these themes mean. Your task is to choose one […]

Choose one (1) of the major historical/social shifts in American education from the course material and analyze its impact American P-12 education.

The student will choose one (1) of the major historical/social shifts in American education from the course material and analyze its impact American P-12 education. Some areas of discussion might include: the background of the shift in K- 12 education (causes, reactions, and actions), the challenges the shift has brought for present K-12 education leaders, […]

Explain What is the proper legacy of the Progressive Movement?

Description What is the proper legacy of the Progressive Movement? To answer this question, consider: When did it begin, who were its leaders, and what were its objectives? Was it necessary – why or why not? Was it a successful period in American history – why or why not? Does it have any connection to […]

Prepare and maintain a laboratory notebook, including a write-up of each experiment that details the purpose, chemical equations, calculation of theoretical yield, percent yield, and record of experimental observations.

Estimate the amount of aspirin in a solution. Synthesize aspirin and explain the mechanism. Use Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to obtain information such as molecular formula, physical properties, hazards, and disposal procedures for chemicals used in each experiment. Prepare and maintain a laboratory notebook, including a write-up of each experiment that details the purpose, […]

Analyze the primary sources (will be attached with an order) and examine them in relation to the book Gendering the Trans-Pacific World.

Description Thesis: While beauty pageants historically influence the perception of female roles and bodies, the non-static structure of the Japanese American community stimulates a cultural redefinition of exotic. Paper goal: Analyze the primary sources (will be attached with an order) and examine them in relation to the book Gendering the Trans-Pacific World. Formating: Please use […]

Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could help mend race relations in the United States.

Description ** Letter to the editor of your local newspaper** -Prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would explain to all of America why African American History should be taught in American schools. -Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could […]