Explain,What form of economy best serves the long-term interests of the American people and the future of the United States?” On what foundation does Jefferson root his recommendation that the American economy emphasize agriculture over manufacturing? Explain carefully. Where Hamilton is concerned, what virtues in the American people does he believe are nurtured by manufacturing and industry?

Item 1 (10 pts). Jefferson, Hamilton, and American Economy Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagree much on the question, “What form of economy best serves the long-term interests of the American people and the future of the United States?” On what foundation does Jefferson root his recommendation that the American economy emphasize agriculture over manufacturing? […]

Explore a key problem (e.g. white supremacy) or set of related problems that complicate the myth of individual opportunity (e.g. the intersections of race and class).

1. Provide a robust definition of the American Dream. You may work with a definition from one or more of the readings, including the introductory sections “Money and Success: The Myth of Individual Opportunity” and “Created Equal: Myths of Race.” 2. Explore a key problem (e.g. white supremacy) or set of related problems that complicate […]

How would the victorious North reintegrate white Southerners (who had just failed in their bid for independence) into the American political discourse? How could the newly freed slaves be assimilated into the fabric of American life? What attempts were made to revitalize the Southern economy to uplift the region? In what ways did Reconstruction fail?Discuss.

1865-1890: The Emergence of Modern America: From Reconstruction to an Industrial Power, 1865-1890 How would the victorious North reintegrate white Southerners (who had just failed in their bid for independence) into the American political discourse? How could the newly freed slaves be assimilated into the fabric of American life? What attempts were made to revitalize […]

Describe how urban political machines gained and maintained their power in the nineteenth century. Your essay should explain the strategies machine “bosses” used to achieve support from voters and describe how they used the American political system to their advantage. Also important is to recognize that despite the overwhelming corruption, political machines benefited poor citizens in a way no one else would or could.

Write an essay that describes how urban political machines gained and maintained their power in the nineteenth century. Your essay should explain the strategies machine “bosses” used to achieve support from voters and describe how they used the American political system to their advantage. Also important is to recognize that despite the overwhelming corruption, political […]

Analyze and discuss the major thematic concerns in the introductory readings by Alicia Pousada and Bill Santiago (specifying their titles). Then, relate this content to the works of two Mexican American writers discussed in class.

Analyze and discuss the major thematic concerns in the introductory readings by Alicia Pousada and Bill Santiago (specifying their titles). Then, relate this content to the works of two Mexican American writers discussed in class. Guidelines: Your discussion should be developed as a WORD document and should not exceed two pages, with 12 pt Times […]

What role should administrators, faculty members, and state and federal government have in the governance of American colleges and universities?Discuss.

After reading about governance structures and researching governance issues in higher education, write a paper addressing the following prompt: What role should administrators, faculty members, and state and federal government have in the governance of American colleges and universities? Use at least three sources to support your writing, and use APA style to document your […]

Identify a current issue being debated about the American healthcare system and state a preferred solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement). Explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government and the three branches of the federal government.

Identify a current issue being debated about the American healthcare Identify a current issue being debated about the American healthcare system and state a preferred solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement). Explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government and the […]

Analyze if the South should have been treated as a defeated nation or as rebellious states.

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, craft a response comparing the three (3) Reconstruction plans: Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan) – Lincoln Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Congress) Then, address one (1) of the following for your selections: Analyze if the South should have been treated as a defeated nation […]