Describe the pros and cons of the American health care system, and describe the primary differences between the American and British health care systems.

Paper details: Describe the pros and cons of the American health care system, and describe the primary differences between the American and British health care systems.Paper is organized & includes concise and well developed introductory/concluding paragraphs.Use of three (3) scholarly references. Demonstrates great comprehension of the assignment question; meets minimum page requirement of 3 pages […]

Explain the Steps a Criminal Defendant May Go Through in the American Criminal Justice System

Analysis and Application: Explain the Steps a Criminal Defendant May Go Through in the American Criminal Justice System The following case study presents issues related to the steps a criminal defendant may go through in the American criminal justice system from arrest through sentencing. Case Study: You have just been hired as a lawyer at […]

As the parole officer in this situation, what would you do? Justify your actions based on the ACA’s Code of Ethics.

Review the American Correctional Association’s Code of Ethics (Links to an external site.) then consider the following scenario: You are a parole officer supervising a federal parolee for tax fraud. One of the conditions of her parole is to not have access to the Internet. The parolee confides in you that after she was arrested, […]

What was the role of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense in promoting the movement for independence?

American Revolution: Address What were the key causes of the American Revolution? What factors contributed to an American victory? What was the role of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense in promoting the movement for independence? What were the affects after the American revolution? What were the colonies like after the American revolution? To what extent did […]

How does the diversity of family forms, goals, cultures and types, as discussed in this course, relate to your concept of family?

Introduction For our first family, we are born or adopted into it – we had no choice in that. However, when we are grown we get to select our mate and decide what type of a family we will create. The Assignment Compare the traditional American family structure with another culture’s family structure of your […]

What are the consequences of this new kind of lifestyle for individuals and/or for the community?

Marc Bain’s focus on fast fashion provides insight into the modern American lifestyle focused on consumerism: the desire to have stuff, the pleasure in getting it, and then, frequently, the disappointment in having it. Bain argues that “shopping has taken on a new role in our society and in our lives. It’s no longer just […]

Discuss,Do research on the worldwide economic crisis of 2008 and, in particular, focus on the company you selected.

For this case study assignment, perform the following tasks: 1.Select an American company with a worldwide presence (examples: Starbucks, McDonald’s, Walmart). 2.Do research on the worldwide economic crisis of 2008 and, in particular, focus on the company you selected. 3.Discuss how your chosen company faired in the economic crisis of 2008. 4.Discuss the microeconomic implications […]

Discuss works by major African American writers from all periods and genres of African American literature.

A. Discuss works by major African American writers from all periods and genres of African American literature.B. Analyze the political, cultural, social, economic, religious, literary, and historical characteristics of African-American literaturefrom the 17th century through the present.C. Evaluate and use relevant literary/critical approaches in the study of African-American literature to interpret works in their moral,cultural, […]

Why were so many people interested in the American West at this time? How did Annie Oakley represent the idea of the “Old West”?

Paper details: For this paper, watch the film Annie Oakley and respond to the following questions: 1. What do you think made Annie Oakley so popular? 2. Why were so many people interested in the American West at this time? How did Annie Oakley represent the idea of the “Old West”? Paper must be 2-3 […]

Discuss,In your estimation, what was the most significant domestic and foreign affairs challenge that each president faced?

Paper details: In your estimation, what was the most significant domestic and foreign affairs challenge that each president faced? What legacy did each of the first three presidents leave behind for future leaders to follow, respond to, or resolve? In your estimation, which of the first three presidents did the most to cement and chart […]