What obstacles did Katherine, Mary and Dorothy have to overcome despite them being women and African American in a male dominated culture?

Rent and watch the movie: Hidden Figures (2016) Assignment: The goal of this paper is to provide you an opportunity to examine your feelings about women, in sciences, how women are looked at and valued in a profession dominated by men. This could apply to women in sports as well. It was a time when […]

How were these men viewed after making their proposals to the public?

Focus Questions – Keep these in mind while you read and take notes. Did the New Deal adequately address the issues being considered? How did each man publicize his program of relief? Were any of these men prevented from presenting their proposals to the public? Were these proposals popular with the American public? Why or […]

Discuss the meaning of food in the German culture.

Hyde Pfiefer, a retired 70-year-old German American, has lived in the United States for the last 50 years. A widower of 5 years, Mr. Pfiefer prepares his own meals following his wife’s recipes from the old country. Nine months ago, Mr. Pfiefer was told that his cholesterol is elevated, and he was instructed about a […]

Identify three common and three conflicting goals of companies and unions.

Journal 1: In your opinion, does having two different existing labor federations (i.e., American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations [AFL-CIO] and Change to Win) strengthen or weaken the ability of organized labor to represent the interests of employees today? What would you prefer at your company? Why? Journal 2: Identify three common […]

What role does social media play in contemporary American society?

Issues and Ethics in News and Social Assignment Content Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another and how news is delivered. Unfortunately, social media platforms, and even some news outlets, contain misinformation. In this assignment, you will investigate the role of social media in American news media. You […]

How does traditional Ibo society compare to and contrast with your own society?

African-American Studies After reading Things Fall Apart, write a book review (in no less than one page) of your main takeaways. How does traditional Ibo society compare to and contrast with your own society? How did the Ibo of South Eastern Nigeria engage each other? How did they resolve conflicts. How did the arrival of […]

What was a potential solution to educate those involved in this experience about minimizing ethnocentrism?

Week 8 Discussion Choose one of these options for your initial post: Option 1: Share an experience you’ve personally had with ethnocentrism. How did this experience have an impact on you and/or others in the moment? What was a potential solution to educate those involved in this experience about minimizing ethnocentrism? Option 2: Share a […]