What were the domestic and foreign causes of the Great Depression?

HIST WK4 Writer – for this discussion, answer all of the questions below. 1. What changes in American society prompted the activities of nativists the Ku Klux, Klan, and religious fundamentalists? How did these groups express their outrage? 2. What were the domestic and foreign causes of the Great Depression? How did President Hoover respond […]

Differences between gay men and lesbians

Select a title from the following topic choices: Topic Choices Gender roles and stereotypes Gender differences in sexuality Male sexuality Female sexuality Transgender sexuality Sexual identity Distinct populations including lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and questioning populations) Differences between gay men and lesbians Sexual orientation and mental health Same sex couples LGBTQ youth Introduction (1–2 paragraphs) […]

Discuss some of the changes in American families over the past several decades and how these changes necessitate a change to the definition of family.

Family definition How will you define family? Discuss some of the changes in American families over the past several decades and how these changes necessitate a change to the definition of family. Using ecological, sociological, and historical perspectives how has the economic recession that began in 2008 affected parents who are trying to support households, […]

Explores the meaning of these experiences and how you gained an awareness of the connections between these moments and your prior knowledge.

Assignment 1 Watch the film Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare. Discuss 3 things that you learned from watching the film and something(s) that surprised you or piqued your curiosity What is a “Reflection Essay”: Reflective Background and Context The first part of your reflection paper should briefly provide background and context in […]

Discuss the reality and myths that have been presented when relating the history of the American Frontier and its development.

Write a well-organized essay, a minimum of 700 words (but not limited to), including supporting details from the documents/textbook/other sources in which you analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned by addressing the following question: Discuss the reality and myths that have been presented when relating the history of the American Frontier and […]

How do functionalists explain the changes that American marriages and families have experienced over the past fifty years?

In sociological terms, modern social systems produce all sorts of pressures that pull marriages and families apart, creating tension and discord as they exert their influence. According to Andersen, what do sociologists identify as the major sources of marital instability and divorce? Does she offer any final judgments on whether the family is “dying” or […]

Do you think this member of Congress represents you and your district well? Why or why not?

American Government House of Representatives Discussion Visit this site of the House of Representatives (link to https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative), and find who represents you within the House of Representatives. Visit the website of your representative, and then share with the class the name and anything else you found to be interesting about your representative. Did you already […]

What evidence would you use to support your position?

In order to prepare for this discussion forum: Review and identify the relevant sections of Chapter 19, that support your discussion. Review background information on the works of Horatio Alger Jr., and read one of his short stories: Ragged Dick, available on this linked site. http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/gilded/people/text3/alger.pdfLinks to an external site. Read this selection from Andrew […]