What explicit ideas about the perceived value of black life do these examples support?

Last week you read “The Paranoid Style of American Policing” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Today we will watch Between the World and Me. Select one of the following questions and respond in two to three paragraphs: The Body: What does Coates say about the precarious nature of his specifically African American body? What dangers does he […]

Why is it so necessary to have a freely elected government for democratic capitalism to create a prosperous and fair economy?

FOUNDATIONS OF THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM 1) Do you see any evidence that the moral, ethical, and spiritual foundation of the American democratic capitalist system is eroding? How does that affect the ability of capitalist proponents to promote capitalism in other countries such as China and India? 2) Why is it so necessary to have a […]

How electric car will be useful in Saudi Arabia’s Neom city project to achieve Kingdom’s vision?

Critical Thinking  The Chinese company BYD is pursuing electric cars and hopes to become the world’s largest car company. With the financial support of American Warren Buffett, the company, which has only been in existence for a few years mostly making batteries, has caught the attention of not only Mr. Buffett but also many in […]

Do you find significant differences between the genres on this question?

Popular Culture and the Media On the whole, is popular culture progressive or reactionary? Explain the opposing viewpoints on this question among writers on popular culture, and set out the relevant criteria by which works of popular culture might be judged in this regard. In framing your answer, choose four appropriate works from different genres […]

What has given their role in the movement special urgency and importance, in contrast with the roles played by black men?

OPTION 1: African-American activism since the Second World War has often been expressed through social movement organizations and groups which have taken a variety of approaches to advancing the causes of equality, equity, opportunity, and justice for black Americans. Choose three of the following groups, and compare and contrast their approaches. a) The Black Panthers […]

Explain how a Human Resource Leader can use an appropriate compensation package and a training program when recruiting a female American expatriate while adhering to the local governmental regulations and labor laws.

Conduct some independent research on the best practices for an HRL who oversees human resource operations in Eastern Europe where the political system is reminiscent of the old communist market economy. In a 2-3 page paper, explain how a Human Resource Leader can use an appropriate compensation package and a training program when recruiting a […]

Discuss how prison labor; prison profits; privatization; prison health care, officer conduct; women in prison; and prisoner struggles and rebellions developed the correctional treatment industrial complex.

Assess how the U.S. society approach to solving crime has come to rely upon the use of imprisonment Assess how race and class bias is affecting the crime control model of the criminal justice system Analyze how the American penal system developed into an imprisonment binge. Describe privatization in correctional services. Discuss how prison labor; […]

Discuss how they engage with the ancient Western wisdom tradition found in the either the Book of Job or Ecclesiastes.

Drawing upon 2 primary works, Moby Dick and the Blithedale Romance, discuss how they engage with the ancient Western wisdom tradition found in the either the Book of Job or Ecclesiastes. In the course of your paper, you should engage the contradictions those wisdom books pose to dominant narratives in American culture (i.e., that hard […]

What advise would give this group on the pathways of being included into American society, pathways being strategies for integration and assimilation, or pluralism.

There are two parts to this reflection paper. First, historical background on our groups, and their SES today. This first part will be your thoughts about what you think would happened to a “new group” entering American society today? As a “minority” what can they expect? What would you tell this new group? The second […]