What is the policy lever is it legislative, administrative, regulatory, other?

Health Policy Analysis – Framing Questions Using the CDC’s Policy Analytical Framework (Links to an external site.), answer the Framing Questions (pg. 6) on the policy you chose in To Do: Choose a Health Policy Topic. https://www.cdc.gov/policy/analysis/process/docs/CDCPolicyAnalyticalFramework.pdf file:///C:/Users/VHF59E~1/AppData/Local/Temp/1/MicrosoftEdgeDownloads/fd369b24-3889-4cb8-ab19-fd338ba54ef5/ACCAHA%20SCAI%202014%20Health%20Policy%20Statement%20on%20Structured-1%20(1).pdf You should answer all the Framing Questions that pertain to your chosen policy (if a question does […]