What evidence can you provide that there are other key influences impacting the development of many children beyond parenting? 

Factors That Influence the Growth and Development of a Child Parents Are Only One Influence in a Child’s Development “Although parents often take the credit or the blame for the way their children turn out, they are only one among many influences on child development.” (Cohen & Strong, 2022) What evidence can you provide that […]

Which belief is better than the other is, or do you feel you need both of these beliefs? In addition, explain what has helped you become a better decision maker either personally and/or professionally.

Discussion Two: Decision Making 2222 unread replies.2222 replies. There is an abundance of information regarding characteristics of decision making and how a leader needs to possess strong decision-making skills. The following are two beliefs (e.g., research, anecdotal) about decision making: (a) decision making is a skill developed through practice that the more you perfectly rehearse […]