Write a paragraph (or paragraphs) summarizing an anecdote or a brief personal essay.

Question Description: In this activity, you will write a paragraph (or paragraphs) summarizing an anecdote or a brief personal essay. You may also opt to write an original short story. Objectives: Utilize parallelism, a consistent point of view, specific words, active verbs, concise words, and be able to vary sentences.

What does “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” tell us about the way myths are formed?

1) What does William Blake think of the English society of his time? Your essay may include commentary on his attitude to religion, government, racism, the burgeoning industrial age, and/or anything else you consider relevant. 2) Discuss the political implications of Shelley’s “Ozymandias.” 3) In “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” Hawthorne reveals what he thinks about the role […]

What sources will be used to support your individual main ideas?

Does your speech meet the requirements of the general purpose selected? Yes(continue), No (revise) Specific Purpose: In a few sentences explain what you hope to share with your audience and what you hope they get out of your speech: From what you have written, condense the paragraph into a concise Specific Purpose Statement: Does your […]

From your own experience, write a brief anecdote.

From your own experience, write a brief anecdote. It could, for example, be about a particularly bad day at home or a memorable day at work. Be sure to include appropriate sensory impressions that will improve the reader’s understanding of and provoke interest in your anecdote. Try not to “overwrite”, however: avoid excessive detail that […]

What did you learn about her development in this observation?

Final Anecdotal Observation: Joseph Reading the Three Little Pigs 1. Watch the video of Joseph Reading the Three Little pigs. Write an anecdote using detailed and non-judgmental language. 2. Review the CDC Milestone handouts for three and four year old children. Complete the comments section by commenting on the Joseph’s development. What did you learn […]

How equitable and efficient is the US economy-Is the Gini coefficient a good measure of economic inequality-What aspects of inequality does it miss?

Students should post a short, relevant essay related to that week’s material: it should open with a topic, briefly defend that thesis, and have a useful title. You may write an essay about anything related to this week’s material, so you do not need to respond one of my prompts. If your post does originate […]

Does the Malthusian model satisfactorily explain the relatively stagnant incomes until about 1800-Are humans fundamentally animals, as Malthus contends?

Students should post a short, relevant essay related to that week’s material: it should open with a topic, briefly defend that thesis, and have a useful title. You may write an essay about anything related to this week’s material, so you do not need to respond one of my prompts. If your post does originate […]