Describe the content you propose to analyze and how you will sample it.describe how you are sampling from that content. Publication dates? Every book, or some group of books? Every page or certain pages?

1. Develop a research question. Write a research question for a hypothetical study that interests you in your area of study, e.g., What is the ethnic diversity of characters featured in award-winning Caldecott children’s picture books? 1 point 2. Create a sampling plan. Describe the content you propose to analyze and how you will sample […]

Explain how animals and other non-humans impact your life (e.g. you can write about pets, animals we eat, wildlife in your environment such as bugs, bacteria, plants, rivers/ocean, etc.

how animals and other non-humans impact your life (e.g. you can write about pets, animals we eat, wildlife in your environment such as bugs, bacteria, plants, rivers/ocean, etc. Be CREATIVE!