What is the primary key of each of the 3NF tables you just constructed?

Lab: Normalization Template Question 1: In the space below, re-write the table above so that it is in first normal form. Question 2: What is the primary key of the 1NF table you just constructed? Question 3: Identify the functional dependencies in the 1NF table you constructed. Question 4: Describe any insertion anomalies that can […]

Highlight main financial barometers: sales, net income, net income as a percentage of sales, cash balance, cash flows, capital investments and the amount of the initial investment needed to start your business.

Lashes on the Go Highlight main financial barometers: sales, net income, net income as a percentage of sales, cash balance, cash flows, capital investments and the amount of the initial investment needed to start your business. Also explain variances from year to year and any anomalies.