Do you consider hacktivist groups like Anonymous to be deviant? Defend your position.

Are liberals more likely than conservatives to hold the positivist or constructionist view of deviance? Why? Which view makes more sense to you and why? Conduct a survey by asking a sample of your fellow students “What is deviant behavior?” and then “Why do you think it is deviant?” How do their responses fit either […]

How can the leadership of your selected organization use the operations strategy options to improve efficiency?

Select one of the key concepts from below for your Discussion response for this week. Be sure to identify the name of the organization. If the organization’s name needs to stay anonymous, check with the instructor ahead of time regarding how to approach that. Describe a mission and strategy statement of your selected organization. What […]

What are the consequences of plagiarism at your college?

Chapter Four Review Define each of the terms. Write a definition in your own words. Debriefed Principle of respect for persons Informed Consent Anonymous Study Confidential Study Principle of Justice Institutional Review Board (IRB) Deception Data fabrication Data falsification Plagiarism Self-plagiarism Plagiarism Self-plagiarism Review Questions A developmental psychologist applies to an institutional review board (IRB), […]

Write a 700-750-word essay that provides a recommendation on how an individual would recognize stressors and would be able to manage or adjust to life’s challenges based on the results.

Psychology Assessment Description Complete the Holmes-Raye Life Stress Inventory and Perceived Stress Questionnaire either yourself or administer it to an anonymous person in order to evaluate the results. Next, write a 700-750-word essay that provides a recommendation on how an individual would recognize stressors and would be able to manage or adjust to life’s challenges […]