. How did the political changes of the 20th century (1900s) impact Virginia’s traditional political approaches?

Virginia’s Traditional Political Approaches Discuss some traditional approaches to government in Virginia throughout the Colonial, Antebellum and Reconstruction eras. How did the political changes of the 20th century (1900s) impact Virginia’s traditional political approaches?

Rank the following antebellum developments in order of most important (1) to least important (6) in precipitating the sectional crisis of the 1850s.

Rank the following antebellum developments in order of most important (1) to least important (6) in precipitating the sectional crisis of the 1850s. Religions and moral reform movements Industrialization and technological innovation Expansion of voting rights Intensification of slavery in the South Increased political polarization Territorial expansion Now explain your decision-making process in a short […]

What was life like for the women at the Lowell Mills and how did this compare to the images of women expressed in the prints and Godey’s Lady’s Book?

Assignment instruction discussion 4: The image of true womanhood (also referred to as the “cult of domesticity”, or “separate spheres”) was a powerful one in antebellum America, but it often did not match up with women’s experiences, particularly if they were not born into the white middle class. Defining the interplay of myth and reality […]

What was the ideology of true womanhood and what economic changes in the early 19th century underpinned the development of this ideology?

Assignment instruction discussion 3: The image of true womanhood (also referred to as the “cult of domesticity”, or “separate spheres”) was a powerful one in antebellum America, but it often did not match up with women’s experiences, particularly if they were not born into the white middle class. Defining the interplay of myth and reality […]