Describe the new People Data Central (PDC) portal adopted by Anthem-What does it do, and how does it improve data analytics capabilities at Anthem?

Unit 6 Case Study Instructions The case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios. For this assignment, you will review four case studies, one from Chapter 9, […]

But are there other forms of prejudice in the society of Anthem-If so, against what or whom are they directed and why? In what ways are these forms of prejudice similar to or different from racial prejudice?

In Anthem, Ayn Rand does not indicate the race of any of the characters, nor does she suggest that racial prejudice is present in the story. But are there other forms of prejudice in the society of Anthem? If so, against what or whom are they directed and why? In what ways are these forms […]

What were the management, organization-technological issues that contributed to the failure of Nasty Gal?

E case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios. For this assignment, you will review four case studies, one from Chapter 9, one from Chapter 10, one […]