Discuss the cultural value of vengeance that the ancients wish us to understand. Finally, conclude if the ancient view of the outcomes from vengeance is applicable to the outcomes of acts of vengeance today.

Assignment: Instead of writing an essay about a single myth and selecting quotes from the reading, you will write about two (2) of the quotes below. Reflect on the cultural values and universal lessons found in the myths selected for this unit. Choose one of the options below and write a short essay. Specifications: Write […]

Discuss What is the poem’s argument? How does the poem’s form help to construct its argument? What poetic strategies or devices are used in the poem?

What is the poem’s argument? How does the poem’s form help to construct its argument? What poetic strategies or devices are used in the poem? Some information about Wroth and other texts by her are available in your Norton Anthology (pp. 1110-1121), but you do not have to make use of these. 21. When last […]