What would be some potential benefits of the use of modern media to the modern nurse?

a 1-to-3-page reflective essay, consider how anthropologists study modern media, and consider how you, in your nursing career, see yourself using modern media professionally. Think critically, as anthropologists do. First, describe in your essay how anthropologists study modern media. Then, apply those observations regarding ways anthropologists study modern media and describe ways nurses do or […]

Explain at least three things he says are challenges for applied anthropologists when they are conducting a research project; be specific and give an example of each.

Midterm Exam 500 words essay answer 500 words Reflect on Van Willigen’s (2002) training for applied anthropologists; every chapter is a training chapter. Explain at least three things he says are challenges for applied anthropologists when they are conducting a research project; be specific and give an example of each. Also explain what Van Willigen […]

How does this disorder compare/contrast with illnesses you encounter in your society in terms of causes, symptoms, treatment, etc.?

Idioms of Distress Anthropologists describe folk illnesses or culture-bound syndromes as “idioms of distress,” because local illness categories and symptoms communicate particular kinds of suffering, the meaning of which varies from culture to culture. After reading the Anthro Wiki description of folk illness and skimming the CBS articles in the supplementary resources folder (or doing […]

Explain what the linguistic anthropology subfield focuses on, and how anthropologists in this subfield study evolution.

Evolution  Explain what the linguistic anthropology subfield focuses on, and how anthropologists in this subfield study evolution. Find at least one scholarly source that identifies a specific research project in which anthropologist from this subfield study evolution. For example, an archaeologist may look at how tools have changed through time, and what has caused that […]

What can anthropology contribute to the growing debates over race and genetics and race and health?

Use of “race” is increasingly qualified in anthropology, a trend that challenges but also potentially legitimizes and reifiesthe concept. What do anthropologists see as the future of concepts of race, ethnicity and use of the term “race”?Despite official pronouncement from the Human Genome Project that race does not reside in genes, some research suggests existing […]

What do you think this trend tells us about the contemporary family structure?

Anthropologists are intensely interested in how families are organized. Although the nuclear family remains the cultural ideal for many Americans, other domestic arrangements now outnumber the “traditional” American household about five to one. What are some reasons for this? What do you think this trend tells us about the contemporary family structure?  

Define and describe linguistic anthropology. What are some of its subfields and what social information can anthropologists gain from studying language?

Topic: 1. Define and describe linguistic anthropology. What are some of its subfields and what social information can anthropologists gain from studying language? (you may focus on any given part of this question). & 1. Describe some of the major evolutionary adaptations in the history of the genus Homo, that produced modern homo sapiens, the […]

Choose two anthropologists from the examples of anthropological fieldwork that you have read about in reading assignments, or viewed in the class videos.Compare and contrast the approach and techniques of those two anthropologists.

Choose two anthropologists from the examples of anthropological fieldwork that you have read about in reading assignments, or viewed in the class videos. Do Not use outside sources, just assignments. Be sure to list the name of the anthropologists and the source titles. (Please do NOT use Lassiter or Kurotani for this question.) Compare and […]

Identify something you learned in this class that has had the greatest impact on you and your understanding of sex and gender.

Collaboration is an important practice, both in your academic and professional career. Anthropologists often collaborate with their colleagues, during research studies, at conferences, etc. This collaboration can lead to substantial anthropological advances and serves as an excellent professional development tool. Throughout this course, you will collaborate with your classmates, as you would with colleagues in […]