What particular readings/lessons were particularly influential? Why? What have you learned about ‘cultural diversity’ in the United States? How has this course informed your understanding of ‘culture’ and ‘diversity’? Are there any particular topics/concepts or additional materials you think should be included in this course in the future?

Description write your own thesis about racism and equality. tell what change and what didn’t change in the U S. For your FINAL essay, you are tasked with thinking reflexively about your experience in this course. What particular readings/lessons were particularly influential? Why? What have you learned about ‘cultural diversity’ in the United States? How […]

Describe one or two techniques that players use to survive, and ways that people have of winning this game.

Write a few paragraphs providing insight on human behavior, and the parallels between real life and tendencies in the mafia type game, “Among Us.” 1. Describe one or two techniques that players use to survive, and ways that people have of winning this game. 2. Then, apply this and draw connections between specific gameplay tactics […]

Discuss on hideous and mostly unpunished act, rape. With only a teensy fraction of convicted rapists ever spending time behind bars [sigh!]

Your fourth and final Response Paper concerns a hideous and mostly unpunished act, rape. With only a teensy fraction of convicted rapists ever spending time behind bars [sigh!], we need to address some of the underlying causes, such as how we are socializing our young males and their attitudes towards women and the LGBTQ community […]

Examine the way to race, class, and gender intersect in the given topic you are writing about.

You are to write a 1500-2000 word paper focusing a theme of the class. Whichever topic you choose, you must use and intersectional approach , meaning you must examine the way to race, class, and gender intersect in the given topic you are writing about. You must include 3 scholarly sources, with in-text citations and […]

“Neoliberal policies have aggravated underdevelopment in the late 20’h century.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain the characteristics and impacts of neoliberal policies and justify your answer with reference to at least two relevant empirical examples drawn from the course material.

QUESTION 1 “Neoliberal policies have aggravated underdevelopment in the late 20’h century.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain the characteristics and impacts of neoliberal policies and justify your answer with reference to at least two relevant empirical examples drawn from the course material. QUESTION 2 “Fair trade is […]

Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries.Summarize the article. What is the issue? Explain why this issue is important to the global community.

Description For this assignment, respond to one of the following options: Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries. Summarize the article. What is the issue? Explain why this issue is important to the global […]

What were the challenges in excavation and/or preservation What are the next plans for the site (finished, on-going, etc.) focus should be more on the site itself than the people.Discuss

What/where is the archaeological site When was it discovered/excavated What was found (artifacts, interpretation) What does it mean (did it change the way we think about that culture, time period, etc.) What were the challenges in excavation and/or preservation What are the next plans for the site (finished, on-going, etc.) focus should be more on […]

Using the “top priority global problem” that you identified in last weeks assignment write and create an Anthropological study that could address or research your specific global problem BE SPECIFIC!!!!!!!!!!! Identify a clear research question Identify the population you will work with Identify the method of study Identify what you hope to learn Identify how […]

Describe the relationship of the topic to the themes which are the the Tools the Australian Aborigines used,The Dreamtime and The Australian Aborigines band and tribe.

Summarize the topic, describe the relationship of the topic to the themes which are the the Tools the Australian Aborigines used,The Dreamtime and The Australian Aborigines band and tribe. Finally synthesize how the topic and themes fit into the study of anthropology as a whole.