Using atleast two ethnographic examples, discuss to what extent systems of male dominance in human societies are a consequence of the human evolutionary heritage and to what extent they are a result of specific cultural constructions

Using atleast two ethnographic examples, discuss to what extent systems of male dominance in human societies are a consequence of the human evolutionary heritage and to what extent they are a result of specific cultural constructions

Identify and define the four forces of evolution. Provide an actual or possible real-world example of each.

Description The Teamwork Exercise The teamwork portion of the assignment will be to read another student’s Topical Essay and identify two ideas for improvement. The improvements should address substantive, topical concepts. Corrections for grammar, format, etc. will not be counted. The two improvement ideas will be submitted directly to me and do not need to […]

What do the advertisements promote? What is featured in the photographs or illustrations? Who benefits from tourism?

Analysis of the Advertisements This is the most important part of your paper. In this section, you are asked to question the advertisements. Think about what the advertisements emphasize – in regards to, for example, the landscape, cultures and local people at the destination – and what they leave out that you as a tourism […]

Discuss the consequences of production or consumption on cultural, economic or political globalization.

Description The commodity chain analysis paper considers the impact of the commodity in various ways. The paper should outline the commodity chain for a product (tea leaves) as specifically as possible. The paper should also consider, analytically, the consequences of production or consumption on cultural, economic or political globalization. The paper should be organized in […]

Analyze the primary sources (will be attached with an order) and examine them in relation to the book Gendering the Trans-Pacific World.

Description Thesis: While beauty pageants historically influence the perception of female roles and bodies, the non-static structure of the Japanese American community stimulates a cultural redefinition of exotic. Paper goal: Analyze the primary sources (will be attached with an order) and examine them in relation to the book Gendering the Trans-Pacific World. Formating: Please use […]

Does the extent to which culture allows modern humans to avoid selection for physical traits that better adapt us for extreme environments make us more or less adaptive in the Darwinian sense?

Topic: Does the extent to which culture allows modern humans to avoid selection for physical traits that better adapt us for extreme environments make us more or less adaptive in the Darwinian sense?

Based on your research, do you think this career may be for you? (Assume yes) Why or why not?

Explore and research about getting a career in anthropology (preferable archaeologist or forensic anthropologist). Please include information regarding required education and training, compensation and working conditions, employment outlook and prospects, a description of the various job tasks within the career field, and a discussion of the rewards and challenges of this particular career. It is […]

Write a short paper (3-5 pages, 12 point font, double spaced) about how the site was found, what was found at the site, and why this site is important to understanding human development. You may use Chazan as a source, but you will also need to find four additional sourcesduring your research.

Archaeology Site Paper (50 points): For the assignment, you will choose an archaeological site you find of interest from the readings (or the list provided by the instructor) and write a short paper (3-5 pages, 12 point font, double spaced) about how the site was found, what was found at the site, and why this […]