What are the common themes discussed in these sources?

For this assignment, prepare a references page in APA style in which you include all the sources you plan to discuss in your literature review (AT LEAST seven, no more than ten). Because formatting is an important consideration in this assignment, attach it as a Word document. DO NOT post directly on Blackboard. For this […]

Based on this PPT, what utility or value do you think anthropology holds to help us understand our lives better, both past, present and future. Explain.

Please respond to the first two questions listed at the end of the first PowerPoint. Please look at the PowerPoint attached below. 1. Based on this PPT, what utility or value do you think anthropology holds to help us understand our lives better, both past, present and future. Explain. 2.If you were to do anthropological […]

What is culture? How does mathematical information provide what we need to know about culture?

Understanding Culture Culture is impacted by many forces. Mathematics is one of those forces. Use the questions to guide to make comment on the posts of at least two classmates. What is culture? How does mathematical information provide what we need to know about culture? Tula post What is defined as culture?  According to a […]

How the effects of climate change are felt differently within a society based on race, and class, (and gender where relevant/convenient)

A 4000 word undergraduate dissertation looking into the racial element to inequalities found in topics to do with climate change including, but not limited to: The effects of climate change vs the contributions (which countries contribute the most vs which are effected the most, and the racial elements to be discussed there.) How climate activism […]

What are the features of ‘developmental dictatorships’ in East Asia and what domestic and international factors led to their emergence?

According to Suehiro Akira, what are the features of ‘developmental dictatorships’ in East Asia and what domestic and international factors led to their emergence? Why did authoritarian developmentalism fail economically and politically in the Philippines and Indonesia? Why did authoritarian developmentalism only temporarily succeed in Malaysia and Thailand? How has Singapore been able to remain […]

Why is it important for psychology professionals to develop empathy around cultural differences, lifestyle differences, and diversity?

Why is it important for psychology professionals to develop empathy around cultural differences, lifestyle differences, and diversity? How are empathy and understanding of others achieved? Develop a strategy to promote achieving empathy and understanding of others

What cultural images does the poster use that reinforce stereotypes?

Analyze the attached vintage (1950s-60s) travel posters that focus on Latin America/Caribbean as a region or travel to specific countries by using the concepts covered in the course. Using the attached files, provide a 1 page critique, answering the following questions: How does it negatively portray Latin American/Caribbean people and cultures? What cultural images does […]