Project how the issues noted will impact you as a medical professional and healthcare consumer for yourself and significant family members.

AH311: Medical Issue: Antibiotic Resistance Discussion Review Directions: Post a review on the Discussion Board. Type your review in the Reply box below these instructions. If you are unsure how to post on the Discussion Board, review the Canvas student guide. Be sure to list and define each medical term in the 6 articles. Then […]

How do you treat the community knowing that you may have to watch some die while you reserve treatment for specific individuals?

Step 1: Read the following Background: You are a nurse in a Third World country in a small village of 150 people (adults and childrenĀ  roughly equal in numbers). There is an outbreak of a deadly infection which is easily treated with a specific antibiotic. Untreated, the mortality rate is close to 100%. However, you […]

Explain Basic information about The United States such as population, national wealth, development, political status, conflict & violence, sanitation & water, environmental health, status and method of delivery of healthcare, health systems financing Healthcare economics, availability of healthcare and treatments Infectious diseases/Immunizations, non-communicable disease Maternal-child health Mental health, epidemiology, substance use (resources), antibiotic surveillance

The paper will also compare and contrast the above topics to their assigned country and the United States Explain Basic information about The United States such as population, national wealth, development, political status, conflict & violence, sanitation & water, environmental health, status and method of delivery of healthcare, health systems financing Healthcare economics, availability of […]

Discuss Based on the knowledge that you learned in the last three weeks, if you could develop an antibiotic what would be its characteristics?

Based on the knowledge that you learned in the last three weeks, if you could develop an antibiotic what would be its characteristics? Key points to remember: Spectrum of coverage Resistance patterns Structure of bacteria Disease processes Propose three hypotheses for why an antibiotic might not be effective. These should also explain why the ineffectiveness […]

If you could develop an antibiotic what would be its characteristics?Discuss.

If you could develop an antibiotic what would be its characteristics? Key points to remember: Spectrum of coverage Resistance patterns Structure of bacteria Disease processes Propose three hypotheses for why an antibiotic might not be effective. These should also explain why the ineffectiveness of the antibiotic results in failure to treat the disease. Use references […]

Discuss how you will prevent antibiotic resistance in your practice and how you will incorporate what you learned into your practice.

Directions Choose an article from the CINAHL database (Links to an external site.) on antibiotic resistance. The article must be within five years. Write a summary of the article At the end of the summary, state how you will prevent antibiotic resistance in your practice and how you will incorporate what you learned into your […]