How should you assist Nancy in getting her sexual partners to come for treatment?

In the subject line of your posts,  identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, prompt 2. Nancy is an 18-year-old female who is sexually active with multiple partners. She presents to the clinic with painful blister-like sores on the vagina, pain when having sex, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge for the past two weeks. […]

Explain why a patient might seek treatment from an OTC supplement instead of a more effective prescription drug.

APharmD1/2 One page for Each Section Locate at least one scholarly source that addresses theses topics in support of your perspective in a 250-word each section 1Select one commonly acquired over-the-counter (OTC) herbal supplement and give a brief discussion on its mechanism of action. Explain why a patient might seek treatment from an OTC supplement […]

How can the issue be defined-How much does the issue matter, and why?

Perusall assignment Part 1.Read Chapter 18 from the textbook: (Lunsford, Andrea, et al., editors. Everyone’s an Author with Readings. 3rd ed., W. W. Norton, 2020). Part 2.Read Tom Philpott’s article in Everyone’s an Author with Readings titled “How Factory Farms Play Chicken with Antibiotics.” Part 1: For this video debate, write 1 annotation according […]

Are there things that you can personally do to reduce your risk or even to reduce the spread of these dangerous microbes?

Main post Discussion Board Unit 4 The secrets of life science Unit 4 Instructions for main post Discussion Board 200 words minimum For many years, antibiotics have been effectively used to treat bacterial disease. A growing concern for treating bacterial diseases is the evolution of antibiotic resistance by bacterial populations. Resistance means that a particular antibiotic […]

Why would some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?-Explain this in terms of evolution by natural selection.

Antibiotics in Evolution A 2-3 page paper on a driving question guiding this topic on evolution: “Why would some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? Explain this in terms of evolution by natural selection. Use the following guidelines below as points that you can use to answer the question. You can include other points not included […]

What should be the consequences of Rachels’ discussion for the medical profession?Discuss

Step 1: Download Google Doc into a Word .doc or docx. Rename assignment as “(last name_first name) Ethics 103 Lesson Packet 7” For example, my assignment would be: Kirkham_Jill Ethics 103 Lesson Packet 7 Section 2: Assisted Death Step 01: Watch Assisted Death & the Value of Life: Crash Course Philosophy #45 Section 3: Rachels […]