Discuss the issues associated with people who have not been diagnosed with clinical depression yet use antidepressants to enhance their mood.

For this assignment, you will choose an Ethics Paper on the chapter of your choice. You will then read the Ethics Paper and provide a concise response to answer the two (2) questions pertaining to the topic. Your response to each question should be between 1 – 2 pages (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman Font, […]

Discuss on pharmacological management of the disease or pharmacological applications of a drug or group of drugs.

Description TOPIC-Coping with side effects of antidepressants Each student will be responsible for preparing one presentation on pharmacological management of the disease or pharmacological applications of a drug or group of drugs.Each student will clearly write a title for this topic. Examples are ‘Pharmacological Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis and/or Pulmonary Embolisms Using Anticoagulants/Thrombolytics and […]